Continuous Scan....

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Nov 29, 2007
Is this possible? I am a newbie with scanning and the 500. I have downloaded many frequencies from RR. My scanner tends to stop on a frequency with either no signal - and much static or strong signal and no sound at all...and again it just stops scanning and stays on these frequencies. I press the down arrow and it will cycle again just to stop at nothing. Every once in a while, I will hit a sound and the scanner stops for a moment - then moves on to stop at nothing :| :( Yes, i am a newbie and I am sure it is my fault - that is why I am here :)

The scanner, at times, will cycle thru on its own. My problem/question is why does it stop on nothing or static yet move on/away from a good signal? I was under ther impression that I could scan, on its own, picking upa good signal and speak - then move on when nothing is there. Again, I am a newbie and may be waaayyy wrong on this.

Lastly, I have the Police and Fire going by my house daily - several time. Literally a stones throw away - and I cannot pick up any of the information. This is why I got the scanner. To know what is going on around me - and I cannot :( :(

I will say that I am a pc programmer of 10 years so I am not a complete idiot - but with a scanner - yes I am am!!! And much credit to all that know these things.
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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Dec 26, 2006
Inside of your head
I'm so glad I don't even bother with these new complicated digital scanners.. Cant wait till my PSR-300 gets here.. ;)


Nov 29, 2007
That is the system in my area...

ryangassxx said:
I'm so glad I don't even bother with these new complicated digital scanners.. Cant wait till my PSR-300 gets here.. ;)

I wish I could state the same but Digital is all around me :|


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Dec 26, 2006
Inside of your head
Yeah it'll be a sad day when everything in my area goes digital.. But I don't think it's going to be anytime soon, and hopefully by then these digital scanners will have the bugs worked out..


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
North Pole, Alaska
LOL! From what it sounds like, what the OP is asking about doesn't have to do anything with the scanner being complicated or digital or bugs! It sounds like interference and the squelch might need to be increased, maybe even use the attenuator. The same would happen with any scanner.... :roll:

Maybe moving the scanner away from computers or other high interference sources, etc.. Hard to tell exactly what's going on but I would start with checking that the squelch is at least set to the middle.


Nov 29, 2007

kikito said:
LOL! From what it sounds like, what the OP is asking about doesn't have to do anything with the scanner being complicated or digital or bugs! It sounds like interference and the squelch might need to be increased, maybe even use the attenuator. The same would happen with any scanner.... :roll:

Maybe moving the scanner away from computers or other high interference sources, etc.. Hard to tell exactly what's going on but I would start with checking that the squelch is at least set to the middle.

i will try these suggestions.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Dec 26, 2006
Inside of your head
kikito said:
LOL! From what it sounds like, what the OP is asking about doesn't have to do anything with the scanner being complicated or digital or bugs! It sounds like interference and the squelch might need to be increased, maybe even use the attenuator. The same would happen with any scanner.... :roll:

Maybe moving the scanner away from computers or other high interference sources, etc.. Hard to tell exactly what's going on but I would start with checking that the squelch is at least set to the middle.

The bugs I was referring to have nothing to do with the original post. I was just referring to the bugs that the PSR-500 has in general.. Or more so the complexity of these types of scanners.. Gone are the days of taking a scanner from it's box, hitting "PGM" typing in the freq, and scanning...

Also, and this is just an assumption, but I think you MIGHT want to give the original poster a bit more credit.. Do you suppose his problem is that he actually needs help with his squelch knob? And if this is indeed the case, my apologies..


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
North Pole, Alaska
ryangassxx said:
The bugs I was referring to have nothing to do with the original post. I was just referring to the bugs that the PSR-500 has in general..

Fair enough, so why bring it up in this thread anyway? ;)

Or more so the complexity of these types of scanners.. Gone are the days of taking a scanner from it's box, hitting "PGM" typing in the freq, and scanning...

It's still not that much more complicated. With the PSR-500 I press PGM, NEW, CONV, enter frequency, hit save. Now press Scan. Obviously there's a few more steps involved, especially if you want to modify and add "features" to any particular frequency or channel. But that's mostly not the fault of any particular scanner but more of advances in technology as you know. With the on-screen guidance and some patience, it gets easier and quicker after a few times of entering stuff.

Also, and this is just an assumption, but I think you MIGHT want to give the original poster a bit more credit.. Do you suppose his problem is that he actually needs help with his squelch knob? And if this is indeed the case, my apologies..

Your guess (and assumption) is as good as mine but I did post some ideas that for now might be worth trying and perhaps he could give us more details and/or more specific questions about his problems.


Nov 29, 2007

kikito said:
Fair enough, so why bring it up in this thread anyway? ;)

It's still not that much more complicated. With the PSR-500 I press PGM, NEW, CONV, enter frequency, hit save. Now press Scan. Obviously there's a few more steps involved, especially if you want to modify and add "features" to any particular frequency or channel. But that's mostly not the fault of any particular scanner but more of advances in technology as you know. With the on-screen guidance and some patience, it gets easier and quicker after a few times of entering stuff.

Your guess (and assumption) is as good as mine but I did post some ideas that for now might be worth trying and perhaps he could give us more details and/or more specific questions about his problems.

I have tried the above items: 1) Moved away from my office with PC's and the scanner actually picks up better in there - when it does pick up a freq. 2) Squelch knowb is turn half way 3) 'ATT' is invoked --- the problem I continue to get is the scanner will stop on a frequency and nothing is heard but static or empty air. I notice the signal strength is high (3+ bars), so I assume that it why it stops 'scanning'? Even if I turn the squelch all the up/on - has no affect. I am still surprised that even walking around my yard - nothing comes in. I have used 2 RS antennas too - the 800 mHz and a telescoping/extension for all ranges. It is strange and saddens me that I cannot pick up the activity around me...and for $500 :( I will continue to tinker...
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
North Pole, Alaska
krbprogrammer said:
I have tried the above items: 1) Moved away from my office with PC's and the scanner actually picks up better in there - when it does pick up a freq. 2) Squelch knowb is turn half way 3) 'ATT' is invoked --- the problem I continue to get is the scanner will stop on a frequency and nothing is heard but static or empty air. I notice the signal strength is high (3+ bars), so I assume that it why it stops 'scanning'? Even if I turn the squelch all the up/on - has no affect. I am still surprised that even walking around my yard - nothing comes in. I have used 2 RS antennas too - the 800 mHz and a telescoping/extension for all ranges. It is strange and saddens me that I cannot pick up the activity around me...and for $500 :( I will continue to tinker...

What are some of the frequencies that exhibit this problem? Is this conventional stuff I assume? Are they programmed in the right mode (AM, FM, etc.) Is there any PL/DPL tones that can be used in those frequencies? Have you tried posting in the forums for your area to see if anybody else has the same problem?

About the only time I've seen such extreme "interference" behavior is at my work with all the equipment we have but that's understandable and happens with ANY scanner I've used there.

I know pretty soon there might be some people jumping in here and start complaining that it's the GRE's too-sensitive front end problem but at this point it's hard to tell without being there to actually see the behavior....
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