I've built a crystal radio type receiver to see what I could pick up. It's the simple type, nothing more an antenna and ground connected to each end of an 1n4148 diode, and audio tapped across each end of the diode as well.
Having no luck with the radio and thinking that the diode was too insensitive to the weak signal, I connected a spent AA in series with a 5k ohm linear taper potentiometer (radioshack catalog # 271 1714) to give the diode additional bias. Success! I finally could hear transmissions, but when I caught a station id, it turned out to be FM.
This "shouldn't be possible" to my understanding so what is going on?
Having no luck with the radio and thinking that the diode was too insensitive to the weak signal, I connected a spent AA in series with a 5k ohm linear taper potentiometer (radioshack catalog # 271 1714) to give the diode additional bias. Success! I finally could hear transmissions, but when I caught a station id, it turned out to be FM.
This "shouldn't be possible" to my understanding so what is going on?