Here's a system that I found over the summer. Figured out the LCN's and then forgot all about it. One of those projects that was more an exercise and learning experiance in figuring out the LCN's in an LTR system with one scanner than anything else.
System Name: CSA Incorporated
Location: Mobile, Alabama State Docks
County: Mobile
System Type: LTR Standard
System Voice: Analog
Freq. LCN
461.2375 3
463.2375 5
452.2375 9
This info has been submitted to the database by the way.
System Name: CSA Incorporated
Location: Mobile, Alabama State Docks
County: Mobile
System Type: LTR Standard
System Voice: Analog
Freq. LCN
461.2375 3
463.2375 5
452.2375 9
This info has been submitted to the database by the way.