For what it's worth. It was over before I was able to log in...
CSP in chase. DTRS TG 2305: CSP Troop 1D
C3 Trooper in persuit of suspect. SB Wadsworth from unknown cross.
Trooper reports driver has hands out window, but not stopping.
NB Wadsworth from I-76 now. Channel now on 10-33
WB 52nd now.
Turning into apartment complex. 52nd and Allison
Dispatch asking for status. No answer.
1D19 asking for assistance from Arvada. Sounds like assisting Troopers are far off...
Dispatch again asking C3 for status.
Trooper now reports one 10-95, but not in apartment complex.
8020 West 52nd avenue. In alley behind buildings.
CSP in chase. DTRS TG 2305: CSP Troop 1D
C3 Trooper in persuit of suspect. SB Wadsworth from unknown cross.
Trooper reports driver has hands out window, but not stopping.
NB Wadsworth from I-76 now. Channel now on 10-33
WB 52nd now.
Turning into apartment complex. 52nd and Allison
Dispatch asking for status. No answer.
1D19 asking for assistance from Arvada. Sounds like assisting Troopers are far off...
Dispatch again asking C3 for status.
Trooper now reports one 10-95, but not in apartment complex.
8020 West 52nd avenue. In alley behind buildings.