Mall Scannering
Malls are actually one of my favorite things to scan. Security and stores alike. Nothing like walking around the mall on a rainy Saturday with my scanner. When I was in college I worked at a store in the Meriden mall and would listen to my scanner when I worked in the stock room. I thought it was interesting to listen to security as well as the stores around us. Its weird, I never would have thought of using my scanner for anything besides Police and Fire since I only had it because I was a volunteer firefighter but I was working Marine Patrol when one day a guy came up to me and asked me how my pizza was. When I asked him how the heck he knew what I had for dinner, he told me he heard us talking about it on the radio.
Back to the point of Meriden Mall Security being useless, I remember we had a booster(someone who steals a whole table full of merchandise) one day and my manager told me to find a Security Guard and when I did the guy told me, I would have to be the one to grab the guy if they saw him. He explained security guards are private citizens and since he didn't see anything he couldn't take action, however, he could help me locate the guy via closed-circuit TV, have the other guards keep an eye out, and ban the guy from the mall if we did find him.
I feel like how much mall security can do depends on whether they work for the mall or a security contractor. I know contract security doesn't have the same abilities as proprietary security. That being said, I feel like not all Mall Security agencies are not created equal and how well they perform, what they do, and how professional they are depends on their management. I know the difference in security operations at the two malls I go to is like night and day.