ok , last week , thursday or friday , i sat outside the federal court house on main st. and listened to 417.2 , and it still is as i posted , mobiles and portables are encrypted , dispatch still in the clear. funny thing , i was eating breakfast when a federal protective officer approached my car and simply asked (in the pouring rain with his umbrella in hand) how you doing sir, i said , im just grabbing a quick bite to eat , he said no problem sir , have a nice day , and walked away......this with my mounted 785-D- in plain site and my 396-T sitting in my cup holder....LOL....I really was so tempted to explain to him my real mission and if hed be kind enough to just key his mic for a quick second to get the hit on close call , but thought better of it , before he dragged me out of my car thinking i might have alterior motives....so i told him have a nice day , and he was on his way....so thats the scoop with FPS , I didnt check any of the other freqs that i had hits on in the 417.xxx range , but thats for another day ...