I'm aware you can program the searches on the SDS200, but so far I've been using the keypad in the remote panel to do this.
While setting up custom searches on the BCD996P2 is so much easier as you can enter the data into the favorites editor, then write it to the radio.
I haven't found a way to do that on the SDS200 yet.
I don't believe that you can edit or create searches directly in ProScan, other than using the scanner's menu via virtual control.
For the P2 series, as well as earlier DMA scanners, searches are programmable either in the scanner or with software. They are part of the programming file.
For the SDS & x36HP scanners, the custom searches are part of the scanner's profile, not a programming file such as a Favorites list.
ProScan does not have a Profile editor because the software's creator did not see the point of 're-inventing' a profile editor in ProScan when it's easily available in Sentinel.