Looks like someone is just copying information straight from the FCC Database and not verifying the information as to actual useage before submitting. Case in point is the Database File for Dakota County, City of Apple Valley.
Apple Valley
159.25500 is listed as Parks in the Database. Was never used by the Parks Dept. It's used by the Police Investigators for Car to Car, and Car to Dispatch.
Besides Apple Valley Dispatching for ALF Ambulance, Lakeville also dispatches ALF Ambulance but comes up with a transmitter of their own on Apple Valley's Police Channel (155.415). So in reality, both Apple Valley and Lakeville can and do transmit on 155.415. Apple Valley and Lakeville also use 155.415 (Apple Valley Dispatch Channel) as an intercom channel between both communities with base to base traffic.
ALF Ambulance Page Alert Tone: 8 Seconds Long.
Code Freq.
------ -----
128 879.0 Hz
Yours Truly
Apple Valley
159.25500 is listed as Parks in the Database. Was never used by the Parks Dept. It's used by the Police Investigators for Car to Car, and Car to Dispatch.
Besides Apple Valley Dispatching for ALF Ambulance, Lakeville also dispatches ALF Ambulance but comes up with a transmitter of their own on Apple Valley's Police Channel (155.415). So in reality, both Apple Valley and Lakeville can and do transmit on 155.415. Apple Valley and Lakeville also use 155.415 (Apple Valley Dispatch Channel) as an intercom channel between both communities with base to base traffic.
ALF Ambulance Page Alert Tone: 8 Seconds Long.
Code Freq.
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128 879.0 Hz
Yours Truly