Delaware County Sector Names

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Nov 1, 2007
Look Behind You
Delaware County PD has a combination of Sector dispatch and some townships with individual dispatch systems. The county wide sector dispatch is numbered sectors 1-5. Does anyone have a list that breaks down the sectors according to townships, etc? Also, why aren't all the townships under the county wide dispatch? (Note: The county system is an FM type with PL tones.) I thought I had heard in the past that a couple of counties had gone digital i.e. Ridley Township. However, according to the radio reference site it all appears to be analog. Any information on this?




Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
GSBGSB said:
Delaware County PD has a combination of Sector dispatch and some townships with individual dispatch systems. The county wide sector dispatch is numbered sectors 1-5. Does anyone have a list that breaks down the sectors according to townships, etc? Also, why aren't all the townships under the county wide dispatch? (Note: The county system is an FM type with PL tones.) I thought I had heard in the past that a couple of counties had gone digital i.e. Ridley Township. However, according to the radio reference site it all appears to be analog. Any information on this?



The database page for Delco includes the following link:

This can be found by clicking the "Codes and Maps" tab at the top of the page.

If you follow the link, you'll see a map I drew some time ago giving a visual depiction of the police zones. PD unit identifiers are also listed at the above referenced link.

Nobody in Delco operates daily using digital modulation. However, there are some tactical channels used in the county that are digital.

I'm not down there enough anymore (used to live there) to know, but can anybody say whether or not maybe the county detectives/bomb squad might be using some of the digital channels?


Nov 1, 2007
Look Behind You
Dear Benrussellpa:

Thanks for the help. I missed the codes and map tab. Your map is great along with the sector identifiers. One question though - The sector list says Upper Darby is dispatched by Delcom on township frequencies and would they be 501.675 Pl 167.9 and 501.325 Pl 131.8? I heard UD PD traffic on these freqs but wasn't sure if it was a "talk around or car to car" although it sounded like dispatch. I lived in Delco for 7 years (Drexel Hill) and that was 5 years ago so I don't remember the set up. Is it safe to assume that Delcom is the name of the sector dispatcher for the rest of the county excluding Haverford and Media?




Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
GSBGSB said:
Dear Benrussellpa:

Thanks for the help. I missed the codes and map tab. Your map is great along with the sector identifiers. One question though - The sector list says Upper Darby is dispatched by Delcom on township frequencies and would they be 501.675 Pl 167.9 and 501.325 Pl 131.8? I heard UD PD traffic on these freqs but wasn't sure if it was a "talk around or car to car" although it sounded like dispatch. I lived in Delco for 7 years (Drexel Hill) and that was 5 years ago so I don't remember the set up. Is it safe to assume that Delcom is the name of the sector dispatcher for the rest of the county excluding Haverford and Media?



Yes, DELCOM is the identifier used by the county police dispatchers. Fire dispatchers use FIREBOARD.

Upper Darby recently switched from VHF frequencies to county licensed UHF frequencies (the one you listed above). The note about Upper Darby is not really correct. Yes, the PD is dispatched on it's own channels, but they're county licensed frequencies. Upper Darby and Milbourne are dispatched on the above mentioned frequencies which would be considered police sector 6.
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