I am constantly learning about this wonderful hobby by reading the many posts... I personally live in Ocala, with-in Ocala City limits, in Marion County and just south of me, approx 20 miles, is Lake County. Lake Cty has the new 700/800 Mhz trunk system, and I can not pick them up so good. I have great difficulty monitoring thier system with a dedicated yagi pointed at them at a hieght of approx 30 feet off the ground at my home. I have made 15 trips to the roof to accurately pin-point the direction of the yagi for best reception only to find that the Lake Cty signal barely breaks the squelch, and thats after customizing the settings on the 106. My second yagi is pointed at Marion County's closest tower, for Sheriff and Fire/Rescue reception, which is crystal clear.
Might anyone know if the Lake County system is NPSPAC ? That would explain alot to me, as I have even borrowed two different pre-amps to try to boost signal into my Pro-106, niether pre-amp offered any better results, and I have tried the ATT switch, and even notch filters for FM music stations, and the signal just does not come in strong at all.
sorry to hijack the thread, back to you guys