DMR question

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Apr 20, 2020
First post, sorry if I'm in the wrong category.
I have a problem with dmr radios receiving all group activity on a time slot no matter what group I am listening to in that given time slot, I'm not sure if it is a radio issue, or if it is the repeater (motorola dr3000)
if worldwide tg91 ts 1 is active through the local repeater, I can hear it on local 1 which is also on ts 1, and so on, any other group/channel on time slot 1 will hear worldwide while it is active, any group/channel on time slot 2 will not hear it.
I've encountered this problem on several radios including baofeng dm5rplus, dm1801, tyt md380.
There is no promiscuous or monitor option turned on, unless I've missed something.
I've went as far as making receive groups with just that single channel in it for each channel.
I'm out of ideas, any help would be appreciated.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Lewisville, TX
I'm using a anytone868 so I comment from that perspective. The wording in the first sentence of the Example: brought this thought to mind. The naming convention like tg91 or local 1 would be used when creating a channel, but the name would have a linked number ID in another area of the programing software. As tg91 = 91 and local 1 = 9. I'm not sure I can create a channel in anytone CPS without a named talk group, but I can have all the various talk groups linked incorrectly or the same talk group ID number. Different radios responding the same way to one repeater would suggest a repeater issue, but I just don't think that can happen. I alway found receive groups problematic as to function which might be my understanding of how they work. At some point CPS software would not require them and from that point I never set them up. On my 868 it is easy to identify that promiscuous mode is on or off from the display. On is the only way I can get multiple TG parked on one channel. With your radios and CPS I'm not familiar so my input has limited application.

I'm not sure I help...

Good Luck,


Apr 20, 2020
I have the correct talk groups set in digital contacts as far as the numbers, I've got in the habit of naming channels when programming for multiple zones, i.e. my local repeater here in Connersvile channel named conn WW would have a digital contact linking it to 91 talk group, from what I have read with the 1801 it isn't necessary to create receive groups and can be left at 'none' but I created receive groups anyway to attempt to get rid of hearing criss traffic.
I forgot to mention that with the tyt md380 it doesn't seem to get all cross traffic like the 1801 does, it only seems to be certain transmissions, such as every time a certain radio keys I will heae it crossing onto any other channel in the same time slot, but won't hear the others, the 1801 is hearing everything.
I guess the next move would be to program it with only a single channel and nothing else and see if the problem persists, unfortunately there's not another repeater close enough to try, I nay need to go for a drive eventually.


Apr 20, 2020
Ok, so I programmed the 1801 with 1 channel my local, with talkgroup 2 as a group contact, with that channel in it's own receive group and was still hearing worldwide.
I found the solution!!
in menu > set > radio set > 19 group match, seems to be the same as a promiscuous/monitor mode, menu item 18 is a p2p match I'm assuming would be similar but with private calls or if someone was on parrot? the manual was no help.
Anyway that seems to have solved the issue with the 1801 and may apply to other baofeng dmr radios.
As for the similar issue with the tyt, I believe it may be repeater related as it is random and intermittent.


Apr 20, 2020
p.s That mode seems to depend on which time slot you are currently on, i.e if you are on a channel in time slot 1 you'll hear activity from other active channels on time slot 1, and the same if you're on a channel in time slot 2.
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