Some info
Flowers Hospital and SAMC talk to ambulances on these freqs:
463.000, 463.025, 463.050, 463.075, 463.100, 463.125, 463.150, 463.175
I haven't monitored these lately so they may be gone to cell phone type equip.
Houston County Dispatch on these freqs:
454.625, 454.075, 454.350
Dothan is on this freq if you have a P25 trunking scanner:
851.7375 Some in the clear, alot encrypted. Dothan Fire Dispatch is clear
but most working freqs are encrypted, I think.
These freqs are for ambulance to hospital calls, usually rescue squads:
155.28, 155.34, 163.25?
Houston County Fire & Rescue:
Again, you have to have a APCO 25 trunking scanner to listen to Dothan's
communication. Dothan Fire & Rescue is part of a trunked system not just
one (1) frequency. That system has about 15 frequencies and it jumps from
one to another all the time.
Again, Southern Link, Nextel, etc type radios cannot be monitored with a
scanner, which the ambulance companies seem to be using since they
no longer have a license to operate a radio system.