OK, here's a mouthful for you, it's a two bay phased folded dipole array. Each bay is spaced a half wave apart and operated in phase with a coaxial power divider AKA phasing harness. For added enjoyment add two more bays and another power divider, or keep adding dual bays until you reach the stratosphere which isn't too hard, they're bigger and wider spaced than they look from the ground especially in a photo. That array is approximately 20' end to end, maybe just a tad more, I haven't done the math.
"they can be omni directional or you can arrange them on the mast to be more bi-directional."
Er, no. That array is omni directional, a four bay would have each spaced 90 degrees from the next circling the mast. If they're all on the same side a cardioid or D shaped pattern results. You can get a SOMEWHAT bidirectional pattern but only with four bays, two on each side and like I said that two bay array is omni.
Here's a short (?) story for the techies out there. A few years ago some NYFD hams (yeah, firemen) put together one of the best linked repeater systems I've ever seen with a four dipole array on the 220MHz repeater. It had great coverage until they took it down temporarily for some reason and when they put it back up it had such a skewed radiation pattern I nearly lost the signal entirely here at the Jersey Shore. They went nuts trying to figure it out, they put it back together right, NOT. They insisted the power divider was right so why the cockeyed phasing? Well take it down again, I'll bet you did SOMETHING wrong in mounting the dipoles. Sure enough two were upside down which reversed the phase with relation to the other two throwing the pattern all out of whack. The trustee/license holder made the comment "Why didn't >I< think of that?" and I just laughed, that was insult enough. (;->)
Eric Burris is Casey Oldt? So why not Casey Jones? Nice shot of the BNSF War Bonnet though. (;->) Just to hijack the thread temporarily, do you recognize this locomotive?