That wiki looks very strange as it proposes that settings are dependent of how high your are above ground and what type of glass you have in your windows.
The demodulated signal from the receiver are always analog. It is feed into the ADC to convert it into digital ones and zeros. The level you can set are where on the analog signal level it should start to treat it as a one or a zero. The DSP level adapt are by some said to be with what speed it should process the signal, aka sampling rate. If that was true then the highest setting would be the best. But it is called level adapt and are more like Unidens digital threshold setting, that you set if it should decode the signal looking just at the tips, a high value, or more to the middle of the signal, a lower value, and are dependent of if there are imperfections in the signal and the level of noise in it that interfere. The resulting digital signal are decoded by the DSP and are then converted back to audio by the DAC and the value that can be set are the resulting analog audio volume level coming out of the DAC and should be balanced to the analog reception audio levels which are fixed and not adjustable.
It looks as if Whistler thought that you should only monitor one system as the settings are global, and not individually set per conventional frequency or system as they has to be if they would be of any use.
The ADC and DSP settings only work for P25 and does nothing for DMR and probably not for NXDN either. It seems that P25 where natively included in the firmware in the old GRE days and the other digital protocols where then added in a different Whistler way, perhaps not by the same guy that did P25. There are some incompatible issues between the two different ways how the codes where implemented and we where starting to try and sort that out when Whistler unexpectedly and suddenly closed down their scanner development.
I would suggest that if the scanner decodes poorly using the default 64 value, to start with a high DSP value like 200, where it doesn't decode anything and lower in steps of 20 and when it starts to decode go back 20 steps and use steps of 5 until it starts to decode and then lower one additional 5 steps. But setting it to an optimum value for one system might ruin it for other systems so you probably need to go further down in value towards the 64 level to make all systems work.