Quite right, Ron. Take a gander at the G5RV articles in the link I posted. Some of the designs I've seen use no balun, others do. Take a look at the links I provided, and see what develops.
Noise is the perennial enemy on HF, no doubt about it. There are a number of steps you can take to cut it down, but the biggest one you can do - if you can, not everyone is able to - is to get the antenna away from the house/shop as much as possible. It sounds like you had the height....the antenna was probably picking up some junk from the part that went into the eve of the house.
Of course, everyone loves the PAR - but before you go that route (and I have no doubt it would work), you might consider an even simpler route. The Shortwave SWL antenna yahoo group has a few plans for winding your own balun, and using that in an inverted L design. We even have a few links for pre-built MLBs on our Wiki, as well as the URL for that Yahoo group.
Check out the HF antennas wiki - you might get a few ideas. As always with antennas YMMV - and probably will. Everyone's situation is different
73s Mike