"e" vs "E"?

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Aug 20, 2022
Ya ya I know. One is partial encryption and the other is full encryption. What does this actually mean? The user must push a button to be encrypted for "e" and encrypted all of the time for "E"? Seems the SDS can decode "e" but for sure not "E".


Active Member
Uniden Representative
Jun 30, 2020
Partial encryption can require a button press to encrypt, or it could be encrypted on some radios but not others on a full-time basis. There are other possibilities, too.


Aug 20, 2022
SDS can not decode any encryption.
the E just means it is encrypted all the time at every end.
it could be that dispatch is E and the cars are not, or the other way around.

I removed all of my Avoids which were for the most part all encrypted channels. Most were E but one was e. I get audio in both directions for now for that one. All the ones that are really E have been avoided again. Them just being there slows down the scan as the radio sees a channel that is in use.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
Or sometimes user radios have the ability to choose encrypted or clear transmissions. There is a concentric ring on the channel knob (or at least all the radios I've seen.)

Little e means there is a chance you might hear something. So program and left the channel on if you are interested in it.

Big E means there is NO chance you will hear anything. You can program the talkgroup, but the best you'll get is a blip on the scene and the scanner moves on to the next thing. It happens fast so you have to keep your eyes on the scanner.


Aug 20, 2022
Or sometimes user radios have the ability to choose encrypted or clear transmissions. There is a concentric ring on the channel knob (or at least all the radios I've seen.)

Little e means there is a chance you might hear something. So program and left the channel on if you are interested in it.

Big E means there is NO chance you will hear anything. You can program the talkgroup, but the best you'll get is a blip on the scene and the scanner moves on to the next thing. It happens fast so you have to keep your eyes on the scanner.

Not always fast in my experience.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
7 years ago In 2015 when my County went phase ll, we of course had issues with non simulcast radios, Whistler didn't work a lick with their psr800 with the keyboard and Uniden was hit or miss with the x36.

The big thing in my area was to get a Motorola Nas radio which worked terrific, we had some UHF repeaters left so I got the 7000 UHF 2 , 7- 800 MHz option.

Living on the coast and having so much to listen to in this area, along with an excellent Phase 2 system, with one site called simulcast and 20 or more towers in my lower half of the county. It was an ideal set up.

Even the city which is right next to me, Trenton, New Jersey, where I retired from one of the 7 day a week Daily newspapers as a news guy

Somebody set up a bunch of dongles and before you knew it anybody could pick it up, We dealt with the little e right away for a while.. it was while the county Commissioners were trying to show us a spine. They didn't have one and chiefs of police voted to fully encrypt the system.

Have to say that the County Commissioners did speak up and talk of transparency in the police, and sang to the music, along with the rest of that phony stuff, right before they started to defund and reduce the budgets of the police. Police are 100% encrypted now.

There is a great thread in the Tavern of the forums where you are free to talk about your experience with encryption and how it started with a phase ll radio system years ago and quickly heard by all, 24 hours a day, till it wasn't.

I encourage you to go there and share your stories.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 4, 2007
Digital has been around for a long while now,but it's funny, I still see digital as Encryption Jr. since it's so expensive to buy one, it (and simulcast distortion in some cases) locks a good chunk of the population out from listening by default 😆


Apr 3, 2008
Port Charlotte FL
and some things to consider,
the data here is submitted by regular people and can be wrong.
the people operating the radio might not have any idea how to operate it.
so that might account for the big E little e being wrong.
if one of them thinks they are encrypted the other can not tell, they sill just hear them like normal.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
and some things to consider,
the data here is submitted by regular people and can be wrong.
the people operating the radio might not have any idea how to operate it.
so that might account for the big E little e being wrong.
if one of them thinks they are encrypted the other can not tell, they sill just hear them like normal.
I have to say that the the database in general is in good shape in my area, I'm sure there's areas where it's lacking, but overall.. it's good. Pretty much all the Big E's are in place and the state forum keeps pretty good track of the shutdown. We've lost it all, with the new Statewide system, and, each County adopting its own Phase ll that starts out immediately with 100% encryption of any police.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 18, 2002
Farmington, Connecticut
I believe the Uniden SDS models have the ability to identify when a reception is encrypted and if so, continue scanning, ignoring the encrypted transmission (not in all cases-some lesser used methods of encryption are not identified by the SDS scanners). So, while the scanner may stop, identify the transmission as encrypted, it does not stay on that transmission but resumes scanning, ignoring it. The scanner may slow while it’s determining if the signal is encrypted but I can’t imagine it would slow scan speed more than a micro second… The FCC has ruled that scanner manufacturers include the ability to ignore/skip over, and continue scanning. While the intent is there, some manufacturers can’t comply due to design issues. (It may be that complying would create a financial hardship on the manufacturer. I believe those exceptions are wavered by the FCC, as long as the manufacturer has shown “good intent” on attempting to abide by the ruling but failed. But as has been stated, my source on this is from forums such as this group, and not all we read is correct. Can anyone confirm or dispel what I have written here?


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jan 30, 2008
Belle Vernon, PA
E and e are controlled by dispatch!

No. Individual users can enable encryption on channels/ radios that are enabled to do so. If the radio and channel are programmed to do so then the radio user can press a button or activate a switch. There are even instances where one user will be encrypted and the other is not. Rare but it happens.
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