7 years ago In 2015 when my County went phase ll, we of course had issues with non simulcast radios, Whistler didn't work a lick with their psr800 with the keyboard and Uniden was hit or miss with the x36.
The big thing in my area was to get a Motorola Nas radio which worked terrific, we had some UHF repeaters left so I got the 7000 UHF 2 , 7- 800 MHz option.
Living on the coast and having so much to listen to in this area, along with an excellent Phase 2 system, with one site called simulcast and 20 or more towers in my lower half of the county. It was an ideal set up.
Even the city which is right next to me, Trenton, New Jersey, where I retired from one of the 7 day a week Daily newspapers as a news guy
Somebody set up a bunch of dongles and before you knew it anybody could pick it up, We dealt with the little e right away for a while.. it was while the county Commissioners were trying to show us a spine. They didn't have one and chiefs of police voted to fully encrypt the system.
Have to say that the County Commissioners did speak up and talk of transparency in the police, and sang to the music, along with the rest of that phony stuff, right before they started to defund and reduce the budgets of the police. Police are 100% encrypted now.
There is a great thread in the Tavern of the forums where you are free to talk about your experience with encryption and how it started with a phase ll radio system years ago and quickly heard by all, 24 hours a day, till it wasn't.
I encourage you to go there and share your stories.