• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

Easily Programing all GMRS Frequencies into Chirp

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Mar 18, 2022

I have all these in a spreadsheet, and even though not all are active in my area, i want to program them into my radio. I cannot find an import in Chirp that allows this.

FRS power
GMRS power
462.5625 MHz12 W12.5 kHz5 W20 kHz(1)(4)(5)
462.5875 MHz22 W12.5 kHz5 W20 kHz(1)(4)(5)
462.6125 MHz32 W12.5 kHz5 W20 kHz(1)(4)(5)
462.6375 MHz42 W12.5 kHz5 W20 kHz(1)(4)(5)
462.6625 MHz52 W12.5 kHz5 W20 kHz(1)(4)(5)
462.6875 MHz62 W12.5 kHz5 W20 kHz(1)(4)(5)
462.7125 MHz72 W12.5 kHz5 W20 kHz(1)(4)(5)
467.5625 MHz80.5 W12.5 kHz0.5 W12.5 kHz(1)(4)(6)
467.5875 MHz90.5 W12.5 kHz0.5 W12.5 kHz(1)(4)(6)
467.6125 MHz100.5 W12.5 kHz0.5 W12.5 kHz(1)(4)(6)
467.6375 MHz110.5 W12.5 kHz0.5 W12.5 kHz(1)(4)(6)
467.6625 MHz120.5 W12.5 kHz0.5 W12.5 kHz(1)(4)(6)
467.6875 MHz130.5 W12.5 kHz0.5 W12.5 kHz(1)(4)(6)
467.7125 MHz140.5 W12.5 kHz0.5 W12.5 kHz(1)(4)(6)
462.5500 MHz152 W12.5 kHz50 W20 kHz(2)(5)
462.5750 MHz162 W12.5 kHz50 W20 kHz(2)(5)
462.6000 MHz172 W12.5 kHz50 W20 kHz(2)(5)
462.6250 MHz182 W12.5 kHz50 W20 kHz(2)(5)
462.6500 MHz192 W12.5 kHz50 W20 kHz(2)(5)
462.6750 MHz202 W12.5 kHz50 W20 kHz(2)(5)(7)
462.7000 MHz212 W12.5 kHz50 W20 kHz(2)(5)
462.7250 MHz222 W12.5 kHz50 W20 kHz(2)(5)
467.5500 MHz15R
50 W20 kHz(3)(5)
467.5750 MHz16R
50 W20 kHz(3)(5)
467.6000 MHz17R
50 W20 kHz(3)(5)
467.6250 MHz18R
50 W20 kHz(3)(5)
467.6500 MHz19R
50 W20 kHz(3)(5)
467.6750 MHz20R
50 W20 kHz(3)(5)
467.7000 MHz21R
50 W20 kHz(3)(5)
467.7250 MHz22R
50 W20 kHz(3)(5)

Am i missing something? Are standard offsets +5 on these? Any thing i am missing? thanks


Dec 19, 2002
Wichita Falls, TX
The 467 MHz channels 15R-22R are repeater inputs to 462 MHz channels 15-22.
Typically there is no reason to program repeater inputs as separate channels.
You would program channels 15-22 with a +5 MHz offset for repeater use or no offset for simplex.


Mar 18, 2022
Someone commented earlier (Its removed now) on here how is it related to the database, because in the Chirp database radio reference is a choice for data pull. Since I am new here, i realize i may ruffle feathers with how i post things, but seriously, instead of being snarky, explain to me why i put something in the wrong forum. 99% of people make me feel welcome in a new endeavor and that 1% just has to be snarky for no reason.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Lewisville, TX
I don’t ‘chirp’. Does it have any import function and if so ‘csv’ file format could be a choice. Copy & past from your spreadsheet program to chirp is another possible option.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2015
Southern California
Someone commented earlier (Its removed now) on here how is it related to the database, because in the Chirp database radio reference is a choice for data pull. Since I am new here, i realize i may ruffle feathers with how i post things, but seriously, instead of being snarky, explain to me why i put something in the wrong forum. 99% of people make me feel welcome in a new endeavor and that 1% just has to be snarky for no reason.

I don't think it's a ruffling of feathers. The point the mod was trying to make is that RR only supplies the database. Whatever CHIRP does on their end to pull that data is entirely out of RR's control, and it a question that would likely better be asked on the CHIRP forums.


Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
Super Moderator
Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
At 6:15 pm (Eastern time), you started a thread in the Amateur Radio Equipment forum asking about downloading from RadioReference into Chirp. At 8:24 pm, I replied that Chirp was not developed by RadioReference and that you should follow the instructions on the Chirp website about how to get help. I also locked the thread since your question had nothing to do with amateur radio equipment.

At 6:47 pm, you started a thread in the Database forum asking about importing a spreadsheet into Chirp. At 8:13 pm, that thread was moved to the Budget and Entry Level Transceivers forum because it had nothing to do with the RadioReference database and Chirp is often used to program Baofengs, Wouxons, TYTs, Anytones, etc.

A 10:51 pm, you started a thread in the Database forum again asking about downloading from RadioReference into Chirp. This was after you had been told that it wasn't a RadioReference problem and you should contact Chirp. That thread was moved to Budget and Entry Level Transceivers forum at 11:13 pm. I locked that thread today at 9:02 am.

I'll note that you have another thread in the GMRS forum where you are asking questions about Chirp.

I can't state this strongly enough, if you have questions about Chirp, ask the Chirp developers. You may run into someone here who has had experience with similar issues, but your best answers are going to come from the people who developed the software. Your actions are akin to standing in front of a car repair shop asking passersby about a problem with your car when the people who can help you are inside the shop.

BTW, none of your posts have been removed, deleted, or hidden.
Last edited:


Mar 18, 2022
They were ended so no one could follow up- all i was hoping for is that they would stay open in case someone had experience with my situation. It says not open for further replies at the bottom of both posts. NBD, ill figure it out, and many thanks again to all have helped. It is much appreciated.

Even though Chirp is not created by RR and vice versa, i figured SOMEONE here would have this this before and had a work around.

So i reached out to Chirp last night, and they are nowhere as fast as the people on these boards. it seems that the connection with Chirp is great for all HAM frequencies but is lacking in GMRS- I have my GMRS license and test tomorrow for HAM.

The GMRS frequencies i have found do not have the correct CTCSS in Chirp, and i have had to go to mygmrs to get that data- why its not in the chirp connections now is either my befuddlement, or when i do an import from repeaterbook, they are wrong- or not there more than half the time (at least the ones around me i can connect to)

I appreciate everyone working with me as i learn this. I will figure out where i need to post things and hopefully as i pick up more, i will have fewer questions. Im sure my next topic of "what should i get for my home/mobile station" will definitely be fun.

thanks again


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
The GMRS frequencies i have found do not have the correct CTCSS in Chirp, and i have had to go to mygmrs to get that data- why its not in the chirp connections now is either my befuddlement, or when i do an import from repeaterbook, they are wrong- or not there more than half the time (at least the ones around me i can connect to)

That is because there is no standard CTCSS for GMRS or FRS, they are determined by the local repeater owner or in the case of FRS frequencies by the end user (since they are only .5 watt simplex) and subject to change. Once you find the correct CTCSS tones for your area you adjust what was imported.

As a reminder, GMRS and FRS are not the same thing, power requirements are different, as are radio requirements. You need to check the requirements before combining the two in an incorrect radio. Part of holding a FCC license (GMRS or HAM) is knowing how to do your research into FCC requirements and rules, and following them. No one is trying to be snarky with you, they are just helping you learn that there are established ways of posting or looking for the information you need, including using the right forums on here and following FCC rules for the radio service you are planning to transmit on.


Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
Super Moderator
Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
when i do an import from repeaterbook, they are wrong
You are learning an important lesson about Repeaterbook. The listings you find there, either for amateur radio, aka "ham" (it's not an acronym, so no need to capitalize it), or GMRS are crowd-sourced. In other words, people, such as yourself, can submit a listing to Repeaterbook. They will research your submission and they may change the public listing if they can verify your submission. As a result, the listings are only as good as the information they receive. And, the accuracy may vary depending on what part of the country you are in.


Mar 18, 2022
@N1GAW Understood.

I have been studying as much as i can to get ready for my test and learning the equipment- knowing what certain radios do and do not. I jumped into this with a Baofeng only to quickly find out it cannot do what all i need it to on all my bands, so i am learning and reading as much as possible from hamstudy and the FCC as to what equipment does what, on what bands etc.

For a newbie, its a lot of stuff, even trying to remember all my schematic diagrams and on to what part of the FCC does this, etc. Its a lot, though most of you seem to have been at this for awhile. Never meant to misuse the forums.

@AK9R - i understand now, appreciate it. will also fix the ham issue.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 11, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
So i reached out to Chirp last night, and they are nowhere as fast as the people on these boards. it seems that the connection with Chirp is great for all HAM frequencies but is lacking in GMRS-

One reason may be that *most* of the radios supported by CHIRP are not legal for use on FRS/GMRS. As such, there aren't as many people concerned with it.


Was Cowboy615
May 16, 2021
You are learning an important lesson about Repeaterbook. The listings you find there, either for amateur radio, aka "ham" (it's not an acronym, so no need to capitalize it), or GMRS are crowd-sourced. In other words, people, such as yourself, can submit a listing to Repeaterbook. They will research your submission and they may change the public listing if they can verify your submission. As a result, the listings are only as good as the information they receive. And, the accuracy may vary depending on what part of the country you are in.

Responses like this are exactly why I'm cancelling this membership and, more likely than not, leaving ham. I started this three weeks ago, down from surgery, studied and got my license. I have been awaiting my callsign for whatever period it has been now (not long enough since the database ULS new callsign issuance system is down... of course I emailed them) and during that time, queried many forums and emailed ARES and ARRL affiliated member groups, people, etc trying to get info to get into this more, and do it the "right" way. I have found that most, not all, revelers in the fine arts of this highly-coveted vanity tax façade, purported by the US Government are, beyond-a-reasonable-doubt, (to put it in P.C. 'hamspeak' and not, by God, violate anything) Alpha Sierra Sierra Hotel Oscar Lima Echo Sierra about most any topic mistakenly and uneducatedly brought to light by an unsuspecting, unlicensed 'civilian.' To reference your demonstrative and condescending tones and subtext, illustrated above with tadpole207, an example would be:

A child goes to a birthday party and there are a bunch of kids running around playing with these really great toys, enter outside child, they know nothing of the toy and ask to see it and want to know about it. The other kids merely poke fun and ridicule the poor child for being SO stupid for not already knowing every encompassing micron of knowledge attainable, the kid goes home and, not only ever want to play with that toy again, but also never want to see those other kids again.

I'm sure I'll be kicked off the page or unwelcomed by a glorious display of computer-shielded bravado as so commonly used by those in this field, but I just couldn't go without kicking some dust about this ongoing issue.

Before I go, answer me this, why advertise the hobby... and most only that... as such a fun and entertaining activity if it has just become a CFR memorization-fest circular, manual kinetic gratitude fraternity of (heavily saturated) male 'Karens' who I bet at least 80% of which are the same guys that live for HOA?




The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
1 point
Responses like this are exactly why I'm cancelling this membership and, more likely than not, leaving ham. I started this three weeks ago, down from surgery, studied and got my license. I have been awaiting my callsign for whatever period it has been now (not long enough since the database ULS new callsign issuance system is down... of course I emailed them) and during that time, queried many forums and emailed ARES and ARRL affiliated member groups, people, etc trying to get info to get into this more, and do it the "right" way. I have found that most, not all, revelers in the fine arts of this highly-coveted vanity tax façade, purported by the US Government are, beyond-a-reasonable-doubt, (to put it in P.C. 'hamspeak' and not, by God, violate anything) Alpha Sierra Sierra Hotel Oscar Lima Echo Sierra about most any topic mistakenly and uneducatedly brought to light by an unsuspecting, unlicensed 'civilian.' To reference your demonstrative and condescending tones and subtext, illustrated above with tadpole207, an example would be:

A child goes to a birthday party and there are a bunch of kids running around playing with these really great toys, enter outside child, they know nothing of the toy and ask to see it and want to know about it. The other kids merely poke fun and ridicule the poor child for being SO stupid for not already knowing every encompassing micron of knowledge attainable, the kid goes home and, not only ever want to play with that toy again, but also never want to see those other kids again.

I'm sure I'll be kicked off the page or unwelcomed by a glorious display of computer-shielded bravado as so commonly used by those in this field, but I just couldn't go without kicking some dust about this ongoing issue.

Before I go, answer me this, why advertise the hobby... and most only that... as such a fun and entertaining activity if it has just become a CFR memorization-fest circular, manual kinetic gratitude fraternity of (heavily saturated) male 'Karens' who I bet at least 80% of which are the same guys that live for HOA?



Nice first post.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 11, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Responses like this are exactly why I'm cancelling this membership and, more likely than not, leaving ham. I started this three weeks ago, down from surgery, studied and got my license. I have been awaiting my callsign for whatever period it has been now (not long enough since the database ULS new callsign issuance system is down... of course I emailed them) and during that time, queried many forums and emailed ARES and ARRL affiliated member groups, people, etc trying to get info to get into this more, and do it the "right" way. I have found that most, not all, revelers in the fine arts of this highly-coveted vanity tax façade, purported by the US Government are, beyond-a-reasonable-doubt, (to put it in P.C. 'hamspeak' and not, by God, violate anything) Alpha Sierra Sierra Hotel Oscar Lima Echo Sierra about most any topic mistakenly and uneducatedly brought to light by an unsuspecting, unlicensed 'civilian.' To reference your demonstrative and condescending tones and subtext, illustrated above with tadpole207, an example would be:

A child goes to a birthday party and there are a bunch of kids running around playing with these really great toys, enter outside child, they know nothing of the toy and ask to see it and want to know about it. The other kids merely poke fun and ridicule the poor child for being SO stupid for not already knowing every encompassing micron of knowledge attainable, the kid goes home and, not only ever want to play with that toy again, but also never want to see those other kids again.

I'm sure I'll be kicked off the page or unwelcomed by a glorious display of computer-shielded bravado as so commonly used by those in this field, but I just couldn't go without kicking some dust about this ongoing issue.

Before I go, answer me this, why advertise the hobby... and most only that... as such a fun and entertaining activity if it has just become a CFR memorization-fest circular, manual kinetic gratitude fraternity of (heavily saturated) male 'Karens' who I bet at least 80% of which are the same guys that live for HOA?


Interesting. I've read nothing in this thread that is the least bit condescending, offensive or otherwise. It would appear you showed up in this forum already with a chip on your shoulder and you are looking for a fight.

The hobby needs none of your attitude. Perhaps, you should cancel your membership here. When your amateur radio license appears, cancel it too.
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