Hi everyone, new member here. I've been listening to scanners on and off for about the last 15-20 years or so. I live in Medical Lake, WA, about 15 minutes west of Spokane.
Last month I tried to figure out as much as I could about the frequencies at Eastern State Hospital (ESH). Most of what I found online was at least two years old, so hopefully some of this updated info will be useful to someone in the area. For those not familiar with the area, ESH is one of two state mental hospitals in Washington, Pine Lodge (PL) is a women's prison, and there is a closed juvenile facility that are all located directly next to each other. A mile or two away is Lakeland Village (LV). I'm not positive what it is, but it sounds like a state nursing home for people with disabilities and/or mental issues. ESH has two main wards: A Patient Ward (the South ward), and a medical ward (the North Ward). The info below is from the last two weeks of July 2011.
155.0550 - Medical Lake Gov - I've seen this freq listed as Medical Lake Gov and as Pine Lodge. I only heard two transmissions, both Medical Lake Gov: "City Hall to xxx in Parks...We need to make sure we get the base fixed at Waterfront today." (Waterfront Park is the main city park in Medical Lake) / "City Hall to xxx..."
155.1000 - Unknown - Listed as Pine Lodge. No Activity.
158.8650 - Unknown - Listed as the closed juvenile facility. No Activity.
453.7250 - ESH Security - This is the primary ESH Security channel. "Control one-two, Security... Control clear..." / "You're welcome, have a nice afternoon, Security clear." / "Security, there will be 1 staff and 1 patient out here fishing, and another patient and another staff. Copy, Security clear." / "HMH to Security. Security, go-ahead. Security, can you call xxx? It'll be a few minutes. That's fine, HMH Clear. Security Clear." / "One-seven, Security. Go Ahead. I've got one patient back from dental." / "HMH mobile to Security. Security, go ahead. Two staff and one person on the trail here at West Lake." / "Control one, Security. Go Ahead. Could you go down to the 'Super's' house, one of the students locked themselves out of their room. Copy."
453.7500 - Unknown - Listed as ESH Security. No Activity.
453.8125 - Unknown - Listed as ESH Ward. No Activity.
453.9125 - ESH Patient Ward - "Ward"/ "Bed" / "Go down there and help them with the yard." / Inquiry about expected visitors, notification that visitors arrived & on the way. / "... the outside elevator door." / "Three-south. Are you on the way out... garbled... Alright I'm on my way." / "Three-south to one-south, you've got a visitor..." / "...coming down from two-south. Copy." / "Is six back on the ward?" / "Two-south, We've got a tray down here for xxx." / "...Did you turn the music off in the dining room?" / "Too many chiefs, not enough Indians." / A lot of talk of moving patients individually or as a group, "18 down the stairs, 3 in the elevator," "28 out the door and you have 1 in the ward."/ Talk of a patient refusing to use the in-room bathroom and demanding a bed pan (which they didn't have.)
453.9375 - Unknown - Listed as ESH. No Activity.
453.9625 - Unknown - Listed as ESH. No Activity.
453.9875 - ESH Medical Ward - "Office, can you page xxx down to the blue room please." / " to ..., yard secure. Copy, thank you." / "Three-north-one to two-north-one, are you using your bending machine... okay, we won't come down." / "Are you available? xxx would like to meet you at the nurses' station if you are." / "Where you at? Coming back to the ward with coffee." / "Would you do last call for personal snacks please?" / "One-north-one to xxx. Go ahead. What's your location? Bathroom. The yard's secure. You're insecure? Exactly." LOL.
461.0000 - ESH CSS - One minute hot mic. Coughing, typing, 2-3 second prison/basketball type buzzer in the background (Sunday.)
461.6000 - ESH/PL/LV Maint - Primary Maintenance freq. "I'm down here at the West Lake irrigation pumping station, and there's an alarm or something going off." / "I'm going over to the electrics shop." / "No crew today, I guess they're shorthanded out at the prison and can't get us one." / "The carpet is coming up at Eastern State Hospital by the smoking yard." / "If you're going to the warehouse, can you pick up a couple of toilet seats? I've got a priority on a couple of toilet seats." / "The Kenworth is done." / "B Pod 121 has a plugged W.C." / "You might want to check up with the auto shop..."
462.1000 - Juv Court - "...Control(?) can you open..." / "Six-four, Two-zero. Is the resident xxx supposed to be down here?" / "...I have two with me, I'm in the court room."
463.7250 - ESH Pager - 2-3 second tone precedes each transmission. / "Please call 4272, two-north-one" / "Dr xxx please call Bravo at 4274" / "Please call xxx at 4410, one-north-one" / "Dr please call three-north-one 4446" / "Dr xxx please call north-one." / "We have a 'Code Green' on 'Echo Pod'." / "Please call xxx in Echo Ward."
464.5750 - Maintenance (Secondary?) - Troubleshooting of a relay that was stuck on. Sounded like the same guys on 461.6000.
464.8250 - Unknown - Listed as Lakeland Village. Digital data bursts.
Most of the frequencies are just the usual day-to-day business, but the ESH freqs for the Patient ward, Medical ward, Security, and Maintenance are fairly active and with a little luck, can be a little more interesting than usual.
Last month I tried to figure out as much as I could about the frequencies at Eastern State Hospital (ESH). Most of what I found online was at least two years old, so hopefully some of this updated info will be useful to someone in the area. For those not familiar with the area, ESH is one of two state mental hospitals in Washington, Pine Lodge (PL) is a women's prison, and there is a closed juvenile facility that are all located directly next to each other. A mile or two away is Lakeland Village (LV). I'm not positive what it is, but it sounds like a state nursing home for people with disabilities and/or mental issues. ESH has two main wards: A Patient Ward (the South ward), and a medical ward (the North Ward). The info below is from the last two weeks of July 2011.
155.0550 - Medical Lake Gov - I've seen this freq listed as Medical Lake Gov and as Pine Lodge. I only heard two transmissions, both Medical Lake Gov: "City Hall to xxx in Parks...We need to make sure we get the base fixed at Waterfront today." (Waterfront Park is the main city park in Medical Lake) / "City Hall to xxx..."
155.1000 - Unknown - Listed as Pine Lodge. No Activity.
158.8650 - Unknown - Listed as the closed juvenile facility. No Activity.
453.7250 - ESH Security - This is the primary ESH Security channel. "Control one-two, Security... Control clear..." / "You're welcome, have a nice afternoon, Security clear." / "Security, there will be 1 staff and 1 patient out here fishing, and another patient and another staff. Copy, Security clear." / "HMH to Security. Security, go-ahead. Security, can you call xxx? It'll be a few minutes. That's fine, HMH Clear. Security Clear." / "One-seven, Security. Go Ahead. I've got one patient back from dental." / "HMH mobile to Security. Security, go ahead. Two staff and one person on the trail here at West Lake." / "Control one, Security. Go Ahead. Could you go down to the 'Super's' house, one of the students locked themselves out of their room. Copy."
453.7500 - Unknown - Listed as ESH Security. No Activity.
453.8125 - Unknown - Listed as ESH Ward. No Activity.
453.9125 - ESH Patient Ward - "Ward"/ "Bed" / "Go down there and help them with the yard." / Inquiry about expected visitors, notification that visitors arrived & on the way. / "... the outside elevator door." / "Three-south. Are you on the way out... garbled... Alright I'm on my way." / "Three-south to one-south, you've got a visitor..." / "...coming down from two-south. Copy." / "Is six back on the ward?" / "Two-south, We've got a tray down here for xxx." / "...Did you turn the music off in the dining room?" / "Too many chiefs, not enough Indians." / A lot of talk of moving patients individually or as a group, "18 down the stairs, 3 in the elevator," "28 out the door and you have 1 in the ward."/ Talk of a patient refusing to use the in-room bathroom and demanding a bed pan (which they didn't have.)
453.9375 - Unknown - Listed as ESH. No Activity.
453.9625 - Unknown - Listed as ESH. No Activity.
453.9875 - ESH Medical Ward - "Office, can you page xxx down to the blue room please." / " to ..., yard secure. Copy, thank you." / "Three-north-one to two-north-one, are you using your bending machine... okay, we won't come down." / "Are you available? xxx would like to meet you at the nurses' station if you are." / "Where you at? Coming back to the ward with coffee." / "Would you do last call for personal snacks please?" / "One-north-one to xxx. Go ahead. What's your location? Bathroom. The yard's secure. You're insecure? Exactly." LOL.
461.0000 - ESH CSS - One minute hot mic. Coughing, typing, 2-3 second prison/basketball type buzzer in the background (Sunday.)
461.6000 - ESH/PL/LV Maint - Primary Maintenance freq. "I'm down here at the West Lake irrigation pumping station, and there's an alarm or something going off." / "I'm going over to the electrics shop." / "No crew today, I guess they're shorthanded out at the prison and can't get us one." / "The carpet is coming up at Eastern State Hospital by the smoking yard." / "If you're going to the warehouse, can you pick up a couple of toilet seats? I've got a priority on a couple of toilet seats." / "The Kenworth is done." / "B Pod 121 has a plugged W.C." / "You might want to check up with the auto shop..."
462.1000 - Juv Court - "...Control(?) can you open..." / "Six-four, Two-zero. Is the resident xxx supposed to be down here?" / "...I have two with me, I'm in the court room."
463.7250 - ESH Pager - 2-3 second tone precedes each transmission. / "Please call 4272, two-north-one" / "Dr xxx please call Bravo at 4274" / "Please call xxx at 4410, one-north-one" / "Dr please call three-north-one 4446" / "Dr xxx please call north-one." / "We have a 'Code Green' on 'Echo Pod'." / "Please call xxx in Echo Ward."
464.5750 - Maintenance (Secondary?) - Troubleshooting of a relay that was stuck on. Sounded like the same guys on 461.6000.
464.8250 - Unknown - Listed as Lakeland Village. Digital data bursts.
Most of the frequencies are just the usual day-to-day business, but the ESH freqs for the Patient ward, Medical ward, Security, and Maintenance are fairly active and with a little luck, can be a little more interesting than usual.