firefighter45 said:
Call me dumb but for 15 bucks I went ahead and bought one. I noticed no difference in reception except for one spot in my house. I put it on the north side of my living room by a picture window and I noticed that it made a little bit of a difference. There is something in the piece of pipe but I don't know what it is. I can hear it rattle inside the pipe. So for my conclusion, I think on a scale out of 5 its about a 3.
No I would not say it was "dumb", sometimes there is only one way to find
out, and the money stakes are not high. How long is the antenna, and what
frequency band(s) is it supposed to cover? Judging by the cost it is probably
a single band (VHF) or dual-band VHF/UHF at best.
A respectable 1/2-wave antenna (J or Slim-Jim type) can be made easily
from TV twin-lead, at very low cost. It does not require radials, so might be
one of those. The usual construction does not constrain the cable inside the
tube so this might "rattle" a bit, but no harm. If you can safely take it apart
i.e. it's not glued shut, you could check this out.