Just checked this site's listings and under Santa Fe county, Edgewood is listed on 10 frequencies. I'll be monitoring these freqs from now on and I'll post any active Edgewood PD freqs. On one of them, I did hear "Edgewood 5" in comms with Santa Fe dispatch (154.785) today.
As an update, it appears the Edgewood PD is currently using the Santa Fe County radio system (until they finish their PD station and radio base system). The Edgewood cars use the input freq of 159.090 (PL 118.8) and can be heard on the output freq. of 154.785 using the IDs of "Edgewood 5", "7", "8" (what Ive' heard so far).
Latter, when the new PD station gets finished and they install a completed radio system, I assume they will be using one or more of the freqs. listed in this sites database (under Santa Fe County) for their own private use(?). Till then, anyone wanting to monitor the Edgewood PD will have to put up with the heavy radio traffic of Santa Fe County's radio freq.