We have multiple sites, sometimes they have to drive between them. Most of our radios are personally assigned, so they don't share them or turn them into anyone. Our site security doesn't do anything besides guard the entrance and make rounds.
Sorry, but you are not making much sense -- You system description in the original post was Single Site. Now you are talking about multiple sites. Is this a Single site site system covering multiple buildings or a Multi-Site system ?
What is the Gateway, MNIS or Control Station ? With out Data Revert and MNIS you could be running into collisions of data packets. But yes, if you are only using the Voice Paths then all of the RAS and Privacy settings have to be in sync across the system or you will loose / have un usable packets between your subscribers, gateways and the host servers.
[Soap Box On] -- 1.) Wave will make this whole system preform worse not better if you dealer does not know what they are doing. 2.) There are many good Data Partners in NA that will support you better as well Including my firm. [/Soap Box Off].