see what hospitals we can hear
ruraul clinics
see what hospitals we can hear
ruraul clinics
dont fully understand the DTRS state wide system
They ran through the hospitals on TG170 a couple of days ago.we will have to log this the roll call is not for the hospitals but clinnics
guess we can get a ton of radio id's next time
The roll call was pretty endless, so after the first 20 or so facilities had done their check-in, I moved on. So I don't know if LUH ever checked in. If they had, it would still have been on TG170 where the event was being held. Have never seen them on TG72 or any other DTRS group (yet).do you know if Longmont United was on there? They have a TG (I think its 72) that I have not yet seen affiliated or used at all yet. Longmont has not yet completed transition into DTRS, either.
Not specified directly as such, but clearly an inter-facility channel. Each was assigned the "deliverable" (corporatese in government?) of responding. The TG per RR is Colorado Health Department, North Central.so I am assuming its Emergency Room Mutual Aid Channel?
guess its every other week hospitals then two weeks after med clinic
do you know if Longmont United was on there? They have a TG (I think its 72) that I have not yet seen affiliated or used at all yet. Longmont has not yet completed transition into DTRS, either.