Pyr8 said:
Was talking about ETF...not your local PS.
OK. So what local police force's ETF are you asking about? You don't specify which city or agency you're interested in. Many local forces have Emergency Task Forces, as do the OPP. If it's too much for OPP ETF, they call in a TRU team. Other forces call their's ERT's (Emergency Response Team) instead, like Cornwall's CERT (sounds like a breath mint.) RCMP also have ERT's, and they use the H&K MP5 semi-automatic only. In fact I don't know of any agency in Canada (other than the Canadian Forces) that use true, full auto SMG's, they are all semi-automatic only. It's all about intimidating appearance.
If you're asking about the "Centre of the Universe" (Tranna), well TPS ETF entry teams use short (11.5") barrel AR-15's in .223 Rem. (5.56 mm NATO), and I know at least some of them them are from Bushmaster, not Colt. Their sidearm, agency wide, is the Glock 22 in .40 S&W. I don't know what the long distance people use, if anyone does, maybe they could fill us in on it.
Although this is all kind of off topic, isn't it?