Does Eversource have no sites in Region 4 , New London, Windham, Tolland? Am I missing something, or do they just not have any?
There are sites all over the state. Are you searching 217-217.5 or are you simply going by the RR database?
The Uniden scanners will not scan them though.
You can scan them as conventional objects with the P25RX-II, but it won't truntrack them. Is there actually voice on those channels, or is it just data / scada?I am using the database. I am plugging it into a BlueTail P25X, you can't scan with that.
You can scan them as conventional objects with the P25RX-II, but it won't truntrack them. Is there actually voice on those channels, or is it just data / scada?
Ahh ok understand. I have the II version and assumed they all scanned. OK I put all the freqs in my Whistler just for the heck of it. Haven't heard anything yet but will keep scanning. Put them all in conventionally for now.I have the P25RX original, not the V2. These 217mhz channels are used for voice.
Interesting, thanks Chris for the info. I never even noticed the system in the Db. I have to start paying more attentionThey are supposed to do all sorts of stuff, voice is one part. I don't know if they will do stuff like closing or opening power circuits but I suppose they could. But more likely would be reporting status across the networks. I am a bit surprised there hasn't been any DMR location traffic but I don't believe the system is 100% operational yet as there seem to be lowband patches still in place.
I don't know if the 900MHz system (OpenSky?) is going to be replaced by the 217 MHz stuff as I believe they have a lot of equipment out there using it.
The Uniden scanners will not trunktrack this Tait system. You should get the Bristol control channel on 217.44375
100XWhat about whistler? Is that better than UNIDEN for DMR