Some information about this is in the Notes.txt file, just search for "FMP24 v2.11" and it's under that (about 9 lines down).
For RTL dongle:
Create a file called:
FMP24.ScanList (extension must be
.ScanList and not
.txt - extensions must be visible in Windows explorer to do this)
Add lines (with notepad) to this file with the details you wish to use.
145.17 DMR DELAY=1.5 SomeLabelHere
445.45 DMR DELAY=1.5 SomeLabelHere
Start FMP24 an press '
s' to start scanning.
You can also start FMP24 (with a batch file) to auto scan with the '-s1' option.
If using a different supported SDR then just change the FMP24 prefix. (e.g. FMPA, FMPP)