Silent Key
I am amazed that this story has not already been posted. My power was out all morning and up to 2:30 pm so this is old news now, but it is still a Utah Incident.
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WEST VALLEY CITY - A federal fugitive was shot several times and killed in the parking lot of a Salt Lake area dry cleaning business on Friday, reportedly following an argument with his ex-girlfriend.
Authorities say the suspect, Robert Harris, 30, has an extensive criminal history. Friday morning, his ex-girlfriend apparently kicked him out of her residence and said that she no longer wanted to see him. Officials say the woman placed his belongings outside the residence and told him to get out.
Harris, according to authorities, later called the woman at her workplace and told her "I'm coming to get you." Officials say Harris' ex-girlfriend was employed at the dry cleaning business where the shootout occurred.
Authorities -- which included members of the West Valley Police Department, the Joint Criminal Apprehension Team and the U.S. Marshal's Office -- observed Harris at the dry cleaning business, located near 3600 South and 3600 West.
After confronting Harris in the parking lot of the business, authorities shot him multiple times. The fugitive died from his injuries.
Exactly what led to the shooting was not immediately clear, but authorities say Harris appeared to reach for a gun, which led them to open fire.
"They just shot Rob six times," said a tearful Mindy Bottoms, the mother of Harris' ex-girlfriend. "He jumped out of the car and... don't know if he pulled a gun first, but they got him six times."
However, Harris' ex-girlfriend reportedly said he carried only some stereo equipment and some CDs. Bottoms also claimed that authorities shot at Harris without warning or orders to surrender.
The girlfriend's family statements conflict with those given by authorities, who say they commanded Harris to stop and fired only after they believe he reached for a weapon.
Harris, whose criminal rap sheet is approximately six pages long, has been in prison several times for crimes including weapons violations and attempted aggravated robbery.