I am located in Dash Point/NE Tacoma (a hundred or so yards from the Federal Way city limits). Listening to Federal Way PD dispatch on my SDS-100 I am plagued with consistent audio "static" type interference often (though not always) loud enough to obscure much - sometimes all - of the audio making it unreadable. I am listening to this on the King County/Valleycom simulcast site. I don't seem to notice this as a problem on other KCERS departments/talkgroups. VERY interesting is the fact that while some slight static is audible when listening on my TRX-1 or my RS PRO-197, it in no way makes the audio unreadable on those devices. I have monitored the transmissions on both devices side by side with the SDS-100 and the difference in audio quality on the Federal Way PD Dispatch talkgroup is astonishing! Might this be an issue with settings on the SDS-100? If so, any insight or advice on how to resolve it would be most helpful.
it in no way presents a problem in readability. Has anyone else noticed this issue? If so might there be a setting issue on the
it in no way presents a problem in readability. Has anyone else noticed this issue? If so might there be a setting issue on the