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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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filtering DX 9

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Premium Subscriber
Aug 19, 2014
i had some extra equipment from a buddy so i put an 11m vertical dipole made of 102" whips on the side of my chimney facing the nearest highway thinking that i might pick up some traffic, and when i'm not tinkering with it i figured i'd leave it on ch9 - the emergency channel - so i might pick up anyone who might call out with a problem.

i realize it's not 1978 anymore, but i had the equipment, why not leave it in place on 9 just in case.

now all i'm picking up is what seems to be skip from south of the border... and not even conversation, this stuff would annoy the people on 6, the same word over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.... and over.... and over... in spanish... one word... and over.... and over...

the squelch on this 30yr old PRO538w is as tight as i can get it, but it's still getting through... i don't know if my antenna is just really awesome or they're just using epic power from a mountain top yagi - but wow.

many ask, 'does local law enforcement still monitor 9?' - not if this is constantly happening.

so - anyone have any ideas on how to filter this out and still monitor 9, or should i just leave it on 19 and see whatever i can pick up when it happens?

thanks and 73's,



Mar 15, 2004
Monitoring CB Ch. 9 would take great patience. Things have changed dramatically, but in the S9 Magazine stories in the sixties, people did get help a lot on Ch. 9--sometimes from DX stations that land-lined someone for them.

Most of Latin America does not adhere to our custom of reserving Ch. 9 for emergency use; to the contrary, they found long ago it was the channel with the least skip interference from North America.

People seeking help via CB will most likely try Ch. 19 first. CB 9 should be much quieter, if anyone is listening. My feeling is someone in the know here will steer you toward a modern am/fm DSP CB radio , so you can fully utilize your installation. Maybe the Dual Watch type of CB still exists.

Perhaps you can give the antenna a trial run on low-band vhf for dxing.

Best of luck, and we are wondering what the One Word was?


Mar 15, 2004
Sounds like he is fishing for a contact, calling "Hello nine, nine, nine...."

You might need extra-govermental approval or direction in some places for such a powerful installation.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2005
I'll bet it is just "hola" over and over and over. I haven't used a CB in decades and I heard plenty of that in California from nearby as well as DX. Good times. hooooola, hooooola, hola hola hola, hooooola
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