Hi everyone, I am really enjoying my GRE PSR-300. Its true about the sensitivity, and with that comes intermod and locking on stations but not quite hearing them. I live in Northumberland County in Pa. I am 67 miles from Steelton and I am getting signals from there. Not quite hearing them though. Some of the Dauphin county signals I am getting. Also, there is something in my house or around the scanner which causes it to lock up on certain programmed frequencies. I should do a receiver test. But its not a big problem. What locks up in the morning does not lock up in the evening. Any way, this brings me to my question. Is Fire/Police Stalker like Close Call or Signal Stalker on the Radio Shack scanners? Also I have just today mailed 2 radio shack scanners and a Grundig G5 receiver out to buyers. Gave me enough capital to order a PSR-400 for the computer desk which I have a coax cable run to from my discone on the roof. I am glad I made the upgrade. I was looking at a BCT15X Scanner, but since I bought the program for the GRE 300,400, I thought I would go with the GRE's. SO back to my question about Fire/Police Stalker? thanks alot , santana