Fire Service Sault Ste. Marie

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Mar 17, 2020
Perhaps they have completed their upgrade and encrypted. Still worth searching that range a bit to see if a P25 or perhaps DMR frequency comes up so the database can be updated to reflect this and confirm if it's clear or not.


Sep 11, 2002
Its a good bet the same frequencies are in use. Look for active carriers on the old freq even if the scanner stays muted. Its a shame they may have gone encrypted. It is a bit annoying to see the same justifications trotted out though.

Fire emergency radio transmissions are monitored by local newsrooms but often contain private details about health status of individuals and other confidential information.

This however is the reality in todays world.

On the plus side, many departments are slowly learning that scanner enthusiasts are amongst the most public and vocal supportive people for the departments. Encryption removes that whole group of vocal supporters and thus has a huge impact on the effectiveness of public campaigns run by the departments.

Do not get me wrong scanner enthusiasts are NOT actively disrupting these campaigns, they simply have become just another disinterested 'citizen' with other things to do. For those services using or considering encryption: You cannot have your cake and eat it too. If you block the community then you can't complain when you have no support from the community.
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