Laura Bush was in town yesterday, many thanks to the sluthes in Rochester digging up the Secret Service Freqs. Just an FYI for everyone this is what I was able to monitor. They brought in a FAA controller from the County Airport (UCA) to staff the Griffiss Control Tower (RME). They landed her at Griffiss, her plane identifed as Executive 1F. I assume it was a Gulfstream, if it was anythign bigger I would have heard it from my location. The Griffiss control tower frequency was active 125.600, as it is from time to time. Secret Service were operating on 166.375 P25. It appears to be a repeated channel based on the range. I don't know if they have a perement repeater someplace or it was a pre-staged assett. The secret service were only PART-TIME encrypted, some of their Comms were in the clear. Local LE provided security and perimiter control. Rome Police operated on one of their AEGIS talkgroups. Perimiter control around the Event Site in Utica was on Interagency (155.370) all in the clear and patched into the Utica Trunked System. UPD was operating on the 800 side state and others were on the VHF end of things. When her plane took off the pilot operated on standard civilian VHF frequencies for ATC, including the handoffs to Griffiss Departure and Boston Center.