As far as navaids go, it obviously is not a VOR, could be an NDB but most don't look like that. My initial thought was maybe a LORAN station but the only LORAN station in Florida is in Jupiter. If it is an NDB than it has been decommissioned for several years as I could not find it depicted on any of my charts for several years. In fact, I do not see ANY depiction of any navaid or RCAG or RCO on any current charts or any of the past charts I have. It is not a WAAS ground station and I do not know of any LAAS ground station locations, but I highly doubt that as well.
A relay of some kind seems possible (which way does the dish point?) or could this be a single remote site for say a second transmitter? I know some sectors have an additional secondary transmitter for use in areas that are not covered real well by the main site. Would they really build a larger RCAG with several towers and antennas for just a single transmitter?
This is an interesting one. Whatever it is it is not charted (in fact, it is not even depicted as an obstruction on the Miami sectional so must not be really high) so it doesn't seem to be something that would be used directly by aircraft (except for my secondary transmitter idea).