can any one help me get a up to date list for north east lake county ?Radioreference list is not right for city of Gurnee Il Police/Fire . Not shure what else im not tuned into . Thank You !
can any one help me get a up to date list for north east lake county ?Radioreference list is not right for city of Gurnee Il Police/Fire . Not shure what else im not tuned into . Thank You !
Lake County is which of our 50 states?
855.6375 127.3 Police Dispatch (Formerly 860.2625 before rebanding)
859.4375 Data Police MDT’s
154.3250 127.3 Fire Dispatch
151.3250 141.3 Fire New channel, repeats 159.435 (Also PL 1210.7)
153.9200 179.9 PW Public Works
159.4200 D612 Parks Park District (Repeats 151.325)
159.4350 Parks Park District
155.2050 110.9 School School District 56
155.2050 Misc Gurnee Funeral Home and Ambulance Service
461.8000 School Warren Twp HS Dist 121
464.6750 D051 School Warren Twp HS Dist 121
466.6875 School Warren Twp HS Dist 121
466.0625 School Warren Twp HS Dist 121
From: http://www.carmachicago.com/profiles/LakeCounty.pdf
I thought we were talkin' about Frank in this thread?
I might be wrong but the first one looks like a input frequency to the Lake County Law/Government EDACS system ...
Gurnee Police, 860.2625, is now using APCO-25 Digital. Radio Techs heard experimenting on 9/6/06 at around 2050. Not sure when a final move to astro will be, but people in the Gurnee area should be ready for a possibly un-announced switch-over to astro. For the time being, analog is still being used, with some astro comm's heard mixed in.
From: Lake County, Illinois (IL) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
From first sentence, Gurnee went digital.