Does anyone have a FREEWARE Link for Software to program and/or control the BC780XLT? the version of Scan-Cat lite is a pain in the rear. and most of the links listed in the Link or download area don't work half the time.
That's OK anyway Dave, you made the effort - that's more than most...
Max, the 780 Yahoo group has a freeware programmer called 'Andy's Programmer' (or it's similar...) that I understand is Excel based. There's also AFS780 and Control Freq Jr.- both are also freeware (I did a review on both of them using my trusty old 245 - sure wish I had a 780 - they're probably the best milair scanner....). You can find links to those reviews on the Strong Signals link Dave gave you, or the page above.
Thanks, I just downloaded AFS780 sweet program. I love my 780 but for years have been manually programming it. This will be a big help (and its not goofy like Scan Cat) thanks again.