This version includes new features, improvements and bug fixes.
What's New?
-Audio Recording! No, your modem is not malfunctioning, I said Audio Recording!
-Record scanner audio in MP3 format with fully customizable file name and files organized into auto generated directories
-Virtual Control Improvements:
-Settings, such as to log or not, are now saved and recalled in your next session
-In the review tab, RSSI is now a calculated average value of all the hits
-Log data is now retained even after you close the log window and reopen it
-The UID if available is now also logged in the linear log
-You can now start virtual control from the command line. Enter freescan.exe /? for more information.
-Additional changes:
-Improved support for the UBC3500XLT
-A warning is now displayed if your regional settings are incompatible
-FreeSCAN preferences are now setup under are Edit * Preferences
-Fix for importing UASD files causing the Audio Type to not be set correctly with certain formats
-Other bug fixes and improvements
FreeSCAN on Twitter
Be sure to be the first to know of the latest developments and news by subscribing to the FreeSCAN twitter feed.
More Notes About Audio Recording
Before you can use this feature, you must set it up and tell FreeSCAN which sound card device to use.
If you make any changes in that dialog box, you need to click Apply for them to take effect.
The linear log will show the recorded file name. However in some cases this will be blank. When there are two
transmissions in quick succession, they can be optionally combined into one MP3 file to keep the number of files
built up to a minimum. As a result, this line would be blank.
Visit http://scannow.org to download.
What's New?
-Audio Recording! No, your modem is not malfunctioning, I said Audio Recording!
-Record scanner audio in MP3 format with fully customizable file name and files organized into auto generated directories
-Virtual Control Improvements:
-Settings, such as to log or not, are now saved and recalled in your next session
-In the review tab, RSSI is now a calculated average value of all the hits
-Log data is now retained even after you close the log window and reopen it
-The UID if available is now also logged in the linear log
-You can now start virtual control from the command line. Enter freescan.exe /? for more information.
-Additional changes:
-Improved support for the UBC3500XLT
-A warning is now displayed if your regional settings are incompatible
-FreeSCAN preferences are now setup under are Edit * Preferences
-Fix for importing UASD files causing the Audio Type to not be set correctly with certain formats
-Other bug fixes and improvements
FreeSCAN on Twitter
Be sure to be the first to know of the latest developments and news by subscribing to the FreeSCAN twitter feed.
More Notes About Audio Recording
Before you can use this feature, you must set it up and tell FreeSCAN which sound card device to use.
If you make any changes in that dialog box, you need to click Apply for them to take effect.
The linear log will show the recorded file name. However in some cases this will be blank. When there are two
transmissions in quick succession, they can be optionally combined into one MP3 file to keep the number of files
built up to a minimum. As a result, this line would be blank.
Visit http://scannow.org to download.