site states that 0.9M is now available.
I did not pay attention to the first download names, my bad. It is asking to me d/l .NET framework 2.0 so therefore I have to go through this process and install and re-start again ?Check to make sure you installed .Net version 2.0.
I completed the 2.0 download, re-started, clicked FreeScan and it asked me to download the same thing AGAIN.Yes, you need to download it, then click on Next a couple times, thats about it.
What other installer ?I would try it with the other installer then.
The Data is being saved to the default location on drive C. That said, the drive is a Adaptec 1420SA based Raid 10 using four 36 GB Raptor drives. The file is 856 KB. The drive has 6.77 GB free. This is a Windows XP Pro system. Could my Firewall (Comodo) or my Antivirus (Avast) be interfering? Thanks for your help.
What other installer ?
I started using FreeSCAN with version 0.9H and 0.9I.
Sometimes I do see this problem when trying to save a file. It will sit there about 20 seconds when trying to write the file.
I just downloaded and installed version 0.9M to see if I could recreate the problem. I went into the Virtual Scanner mode, and was doing a custom search. Somehow the program stopped updating the screen and I couldn't control the scanner anymore. I then selected Options, and Exit, and then pressed the Close button. I tried saving the file I had loaded earlier, and got the long delay when trying to save the file. After the file was saved, I exited the FreeSCAN program.
Once the problem occurs, everytime time you start the FreeSCAN program and try to save a file, you will get the long delay. I think something in Windows or .NET 2.0 gets messed up. The only way to correct the problem is to reboot the machine. After rebooting, the FreeSCAN program is back to normal. No more long delays when saving a file.