If you are like me you got curious about this French radio stuff. Here is a link to the frequency allocations in France--- note its pretty much the same as thru out the EU. How and where these IOC stations will squat is interesting, for there are some pretty well defined international uses on 70cm and 2 metres--- satellites-- as one for-instance.
But these people eat frogs
Cette page donne les fréquences attribuées aux radio amateurs, elles sont issues du livre de André Ducros F5AD sur la préparation à la licence radioamateur édité par la société SRC qui publie aussi la revue Mégahertz
Finding particulars about French amateur radio regulations is challenging; I ran the limits of my curiosity and gave up. But if anyone is interested you might continue with this; here is how you can operate a station in France- just what you can do there while under CEPT rules mystify's me.
Site officiel du Réseau des Émetteurs Français
I agree -- if this were to happen in the the States it would go over like the proverbial turd in the wedding punch bowl
Outcome ?--Can we say "civil disobedience?"
**my best friend is French....sorry Barb