Amateur Extra
So a question, and maybe it is just because I am a noob with FT8. So with my TS-440s, I can run SSB, and the mic gain at 4, and work just fine at 100 watts, but for some reason, when it comes to running FT8, I have to max out the mic gain, and TX knob on the Signalink USB, and best I can get is 50 watts. I know FT8 is a low signal mode, and you want to use low power, but it would be nice to work those hard to reach stations, and have that extra power for a very brief period. Another thing I notice, is I have no ALC action at all, and I was told you want just a very small amount of ALC. The radio is set up for CAT control, and works fine that way, but is there any reason I can hit 100 watts on SSB and CW, but only half the power on FT8 with everything maxed out? Thanks in advance.