I have a question bout the FTM3200. I understand the 3200 does digital narrow only. When the radio is set in AMS mode the radio will receive both narrow digital and voice wide. It was stated that the radio will not transmit in digital wide. I was testing the Yaesu ft-70dr that I just picked up last week. I have found out that if the ft70 is in digital wide with the AMS own. I can transmit back to the 3200 it picks up the ft70 fine. But when I transmit from the 3200 AMS on to the ft70 it stays in wide. This is all fine. Now if I put the 3200 in digital narrow the ft70 switches to digital narrow. When I go back to AMS on the 3200 the ft70 goes back back to digital wide. As long as I do not change the frequency or the memory that I'm on. The FTM 3200 seems to be transmitting in digital wide only if the AMS is on. But as soon as I change the frequency on the FTM 3200 and come back to where I was in AMS it goes back to digital narrow. So what I'm getting at is the 3200 seems to transmit digital wide but the other station that you're talkin to has to transmit digital wide first. And you must be in AMS. So I'm scratching my head wondering why Yaesu did not offer voice wide for digital on the 3200. They offer it in the 7250. I understand why digital narrow is necessary for GPS and other functions on system Fusion. The 3200 doesn't even have GPS or none of those fancy features. So why in the world did they not put voice wide in there for digital? I was always under the impression that the 3200 would not do digital voice wide. But it seems that it will in some aspect. The reason I like voice wide is due to the fact it's a little more clear and not ask compress sound.