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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Future Motorola FRS/GMRS Radios

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Memory Capacity
Apr 29, 2006
With the anticipated changes in GMRS, I have been thinking what I would like a future FRS/GMRS radio to look like. Perhaps Motorola and others are doing that, too.

Since so many of us use our smartphones a lot, I think having an option to connect, via Bluetooth, and use the FRS/GMRS radio for voice/texting/location could be a great feature. My wife and I are ATVers. When the AT&T network is accessible, we would continue to use that. When it isn't, having the ability for texting, simplex voice and location data would be nice. Maybe Garmin will have a new RINO in the future.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
What anticipated changes? There were some of changes last year but I haven't heard of any further proposals.
What are they deciding on now?

Essentially they are allowing automatic position reporting and data over GMRS.
Garmin has been doing something ~sort~ of similar for a long time, but it wasn't automatic.

Expectation is that some of the larger companies that sell GMRS radios will integrate GPS, position displays and maybe the ability to send text messages between radios.

Looking at what Garmin has done with MURS and position reporting in their "Tread" product: Garmin Tread™ | Powersport GPS with Ride Radio
I think we'll probably see something along the lines of that utilizing GMRS. Or, something a bit more portable. Will be interesting to see what Motorola/Giant do with their stuff. I'm guessing Motorola had a plan when they filed the petition.

I personally am of the age where I think the text messaging function is kind of silly. In the time it takes to peck out a text message, I can key up the radio and be done.

On the CB side, (I know, this was about FRS/GMRS, but it's under the same document), I'd like to see some of the FM capable CB radios sold in the USA. Would be nice to have one with CTCSS capability. Time will tell what happens with that.


Memory Capacity
Apr 29, 2006
I tried the Motorola T800 radios a couple of years back. I was underwhelmed.

As much as I own a few Garmins, the Garmin RINOs are underwhelming to me.

Both may have potential with updated, more feature rich, devices.



P25 TruCking!
Mar 15, 2008
With the anticipated changes in GMRS, I have been thinking what I would like a future FRS/GMRS radio to look like. Perhaps Motorola and others are doing that, too.

Since so many of us use our smartphones a lot, I think having an option to connect, via Bluetooth, and use the FRS/GMRS radio for voice/texting/location could be a great feature. My wife and I are ATVers. When the AT&T network is accessible, we would continue to use that. When it isn't, having the ability for texting, simplex voice and location data would be nice. Maybe Garmin will have a new RINO in the future.

If you google around, Ive seen a few companies in the past that make products with that bluetooth functionality with your existing phone, I believe one was on murs, I think they even have a mesh network thing going for hiking parties


Memory Capacity
Apr 29, 2006
I think Icom might be a great company to watch for transceivers that can be controlled by smartphone apps. They have an amateur radio, marine transceiver and a wide range receiver that have Android apps. (Perhaps more than those. Those are just a few I found at quick glance.)

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2005
I personally am of the age where I think the text messaging function is kind of silly. In the time it takes to peck out a text message, I can key up the radio and be done.
When one is deaf, mute or has a speech impediment, it would be nice to be able to use a radio to communicate where cellular coverage does not work. The actual RF burst (time) to send that text would also be quicker then the time it would take you or I to key up the radio and be done. Still, you make a valid point as you would not need to take the time to type it out. Additionally, I will venture anyone who has an amateur license has heard conversations they sure as hell wish the operators would send a text message instead of taking several minutes to say nothing.

Soon we may hear the curmudgeons of the world say, quit talking on the repeater and just send a text. The joy of amateur radio. We'll always have something to laugh about.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
When one is deaf, mute or has a speech impediment, it would be nice to be able to use a radio to communicate where cellular coverage does not work.

Excellent point, hadn't thought of it from that angle.

Will be interesting to see how /or if/ they handle message addressing for text via GMRS. I probably should look into how Garmin does it.


Oct 15, 2012
Interesting to read this (FCC .pdf). I was issued and used Garmin Rino 120/530 GPS/radios while deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq......the location capability was useful under some circumstances. There was also a prototype metal cased version of the Rino 120 (the green one issued by the military) that was field tested but never mass adopted. In that use, the manual sending of location was perfect.

As for CB and the option of using FM, I would love to see that allowed. I currently administer a combined ASTRO/Trbo Motorola radios network that spans the entire continental United States, but also a requirement that commercial semi tractors must have a working cobra 29 series CB radio. That "working" and "Cobra 29" part is the crux of the problem. The microphones are junk, the radios are not much better, older is better in this case, and AM audio just sounds terrible after using a FM Motorola.

AM CB has been a huge problem, even with higher end Cobra radios, as there is the expectation that they sound like a $3000 dollar Motorola APX8500 mounted a foot further away. FM would help a lot, even if the cost was increased by 25-50% per unit. However, I would still recommend an Astatic microphone, over the stock Cobra mics.


Aug 11, 2013
Ocala, Florida
A silly question from the cheap seats on the sidelines - does or would a text over GMRS provide any type of "security or privacy" in that only the intended unit would get the message or would everyone with a text capable radio receive the message. Just asking because I'm curious.


Memory Capacity
Apr 29, 2006
...does or would a text over GMRS provide any type of "security or privacy" in that only the intended unit would get the message or would everyone with a text capable radio receive the message...

Encryption is not allowed on GMRS. I don't think that will change.

Perhaps APRS will be the standard for data transmissions.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
Encryption is not allowed on GMRS. I don't think that will change.

I believe you are on the right track, but if you look at the rule 95.381 it refers to "voice obscuring features". There are currently no rules regarding the encryption of data sent over GMRS.

We'll see the new changes added to the rules when this goes into effect, and I expect they'll address this. Or not.

Perhaps APRS will be the standard for data transmissions.

Would be nice, but remember, it's Motorola that requested this.
Motorola is well known for taking "standards" and adding something that makes it Motorola proprietary. Unless the FCC specifically requires a type of system, we can be pretty sure that each manufacturer will come up with their own solution that locks you into buying their radios.
Would be really nice if the FCC clearly spelled out a standard for this, but I think that's unlikely to happen. If they did, it would get argued for years and we'd get nothing until it was resolved.


Sep 29, 2018
Interesting to read this (FCC .pdf). I was issued and used Garmin Rino 120/530 GPS/radios while deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq......the location capability was useful under some circumstances.
And I can imagine that revealing one’s location could be the opposite of useful in some military situations!


Feb 17, 2003
Nashua, NH
We should be careful with what we wish for here.

I don't want anything in the rules for GMRS which would be incompatible with Part 90 and render GMRS equipment ineligible for Part 90/95 dual certification. The FCC indicated in a footnote in the 2017 R&O that the FCC is well aware of the use of Part 90 equipment on GMRS by GMRS licensees and they don't seem to have a problem with it. The footnote indicated that the FCC will continue to offer Part 90/95 dual certification for manufacturers who wish to pursue dual certification. I don't want anything in the rules which would render Part 90/95 dual certification mutually exclusive.

IMHO, the underlying reason why manufactures stopped including Part 95 certification with high quality Part 90 equipment is purely business related and not technical related. Top quality Part 90 gear exceeds the technical standards for Part 95 and is the only way to use high quality equipment on GMRS.
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Feb 17, 2003
Nashua, NH
With the anticipated changes in GMRS, I have been thinking what I would like a future FRS/GMRS radio to look like. Perhaps Motorola and others are doing that, too.

Since so many of us use our smartphones a lot, I think having an option to connect, via Bluetooth, and use the FRS/GMRS radio for voice/texting/location could be a great feature. My wife and I are ATVers. When the AT&T network is accessible, we would continue to use that. When it isn't, having the ability for texting, simplex voice and location data would be nice. Maybe Garmin will have a new RINO in the future.

Here you go:

I want one of these. :)


Oct 15, 2012
And I can imagine that revealing one’s location could be the opposite of useful in some military situations!
Yes indeed, we had to be very careful when sending location information. Luckily, it had to be manually set on the Garmin 120's. Now, the AN/PRC-152's and AN/PRC-117F/G's do it through encrypted and upgraded software.


Oct 15, 2012
Here you go:

I want one of these. :)
I do as well, but will not be buying one at the prices quoted. I still balk at $1000 for a XPR7550e UHF, which I still se as a glorified FRS/GMRS radio.
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