CARMA List Policies
And I'm happy to post our e-mail list policies, which Brian apparently finds so constricting:
TOPIC: Discussion of the radio monitoring hobby in and around Chicago.
CARMA fully supports all aspects of public safety and law enforcement.
Persons engaged in criminal activity are not welcome here. All members
are solely responsible for the contents of their postings. We are an
information sharing organization.
New comers to the hobby and CARMA are hereby officially welcomed
and supported. Feel free to pose topic related questions to the list. We
are here to help you get more fun out of the hobby.
This list serves as an informational resource for the club. It's primary
purpose is to serve as the replacement for the club's previously
hand-written and published newsletters. This is not an open, public
forum or "soapbox". On-topic, accurate, timely and coherent contributions
are strongly encouraged. You should contribute your locally confirmed,
active frequencies and other directly related information.
1. Don't post anything in violation of the law, including copyrights.
2. Don't post anything off-topic.
3. No personal attacks, flames, etc. Contact a moderator instead.
4. Unless the post is of general interest send to the original poster and not the list.
5. Avoid excessive quoting in replies.
6. No spam (commercial advertising). Personal For-Sale ads are okay.
7. If you object to a post contact a moderator and never reply to the list.
8. Do not represent yourself as an official of this organization without the board's prior approval.
9. Avoid highly opinionated or political postings.
10. No obscene, offensive or adult content, sigs, links or e-mail addresses.
PLEASE look in the Profiles ( for the area in question BEFORE asking for info. If the information you seek is not there then go right ahead and ask the list. Chances are it is already there.
Same goes for Fire Tones. We have hundreds of sets of Fire Tones in the Fire Tones database at
If you find something that is not covered in these resources please send that info to and we will add it there.
The CARMA Profiles have most of the accumulated knowledge of many CARMA members on all aspects of scanner listening, including Police, Fire and Local Government, as well as Aviation, railroads, Federal operations and more.
Our motto is:
"If it isn't there, we don't have it"
We believe it is vital that we do everything we can to promote the hobby
in a positive light to public safety officials, the media and the public.
All general Yahoo use policies are also in effect. As an anti-virus
measure, this server is configured not to relay files attached
to messages. To protect you from spam the membership list is not
Under federal law you may not quote the detailed content of monitored
conversations. Never disclose details concerning active, ongoing law
enforcement investigations or surveillances. Due to current homeland
defense security concerns MABAS box card details are off-limits.
List moderators have the ultimate authority concerning all list activities.
Persons unable to comply with the above policies will be removed
from CARMA and the list. By subscribing you agree to comply with the
above list policies.