I'm trying to figure out the exact antenna configurations for these models - in other words, which bands are served by the internal antenna, the external antenna, and the charger base connection.
I've found a few forum posts on the subject, but they contain a lot of noise and speculation and it also isn't always clear which model the poster owns.
For the sake of getting something down on paper my best guess at this stage is that the dock connector antenna pin (and therefore the charger base antenna) connects to the internal antenna on dual frequency models, otherwise it connects to the external antenna. This seems consistent with comments I've seen, and it probably makes sense if we assume that the internal antenna is inferior to the external antenna, and that Unication aren't making any design decisions about which band is more important to the user.
If you know better (or can link to a definitive source) please correct me!
Some clues drawn from the charger base manual:
Also relevant:
I've found a few forum posts on the subject, but they contain a lot of noise and speculation and it also isn't always clear which model the poster owns.
For the sake of getting something down on paper my best guess at this stage is that the dock connector antenna pin (and therefore the charger base antenna) connects to the internal antenna on dual frequency models, otherwise it connects to the external antenna. This seems consistent with comments I've seen, and it probably makes sense if we assume that the internal antenna is inferior to the external antenna, and that Unication aren't making any design decisions about which band is more important to the user.
If you know better (or can link to a definitive source) please correct me!
Some clues drawn from the charger base manual:
Also relevant:
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