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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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G4 Newb Question

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Feed Provider
Jul 26, 2003
Canton, OH
I have owned and programmed many scanners but am new to these things. This is in reference to using a G4 as a scanner for 700/800 P25 simulcast. I am aware that these are pagers and not true scanners. Can you program a list of talkgroups that you wish to "SCAN" in the sense of a traditional scanner or does it perform like a scanner does in the "SEARCH" mode where it will stop on all traffic being broadcast on the system? I did read where there is now an option to ignore encrypted traffic.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 7, 2018
Montreal Quebec
when you setup your knob in PPS you can chose Trunking Scan this will only scan the TG you want and if you chose TG Monitor it will stop on everything


Premium Subscriber
Dec 14, 2004
Enfield, NH
Will it scan, say, 8 talk groups from different sites on the same system?


Sep 26, 2008
Will it scan, say, 8 talk groups from different sites on the same system?

No. The firmware locks onto whatever it deems to be the "best" site in the beginning, and remains there until the decode error rate exceeds some threshold (from what I understand). (only) then, it will attempt to find a new "best" site. You'll only hear talkgroups that are carried on the site it's currently locked onto.


Feed Provider
Jul 26, 2003
Canton, OH
Is the key difference between a G4 and a G5 the fact that the G5 also has the capability of monitoring UHF or VHF in addition to 700/800 Mhz? I am looking at adding a Unication to my existing digital scanner collection due to its small size and portability. Would a G4 be sufficient to monitor one site of an Ohio MARCS simulcast system? Also, is the charging/programming cable a proprietary item or is it a standard USB to micro USB? Reason I ask this is I have seen Ebay auctions for the pager only and no accessories.


Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
Dallas, TX
Unless you are trying to monitor VHF or UHF system with simulcast issues, stick with a G4. Save the money.
Plenty of other options for cheaper, dedicated, better RXing units for VHF and UHF. Since the secondary band antenna in the G5 is internal it is less receptive then say a commercial portable.
The programming / charging cable is a standard micro USB data cable.
Ive used Samsung, HTC and LG cables, and other cheaper amazon cables as well.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 9, 2006
Southeastern Michigan
Is the key difference between a G4 and a G5 the fact that the G5 also has the capability of monitoring UHF or VHF in addition to 700/800 Mhz?

Yes, but you choose one at a time.

Would a G4 be sufficient to monitor one site of an Ohio MARCS simulcast system?


Also, is the charging/programming cable a proprietary item or is it a standard USB to micro USB? Reason I ask this is I have seen Ebay auctions for the pager only and no accessories.

You can use a standard micro USB cable, with no problem. For charging, use a USB source that can supply 2 Amps.


Jan 1, 2001
Is the new beta firmware going to let use stop on a channel to listen to that one call .If there is a chase going on I would like to listen to that chase ? I think that why a lot of people have not got this radio . You can't not hold on to a channel it just keep on scanning . Thy why thy buy the police scanner . But if you add a lot of those thing to this radio people would be buy this radio like crazy . It pick up the p25 system better then the scanner still do . I would buy one if it had those thing . It just a idea .


Premium Subscriber
Apr 5, 2005
Albany County, NY
Is the new beta firmware going to let use stop on a channel to listen to that one call .If there is a chase going on I would like to listen to that chase ? I think that why a lot of people have not got this radio . You can't not hold on to a channel it just keep on scanning . Thy why thy buy the police scanner . But if you add a lot of those thing to this radio people would be buy this radio like crazy . It pick up the p25 system better then the scanner still do . I would buy one if it had those thing . It just a idea .
The new firmware will reportedly have hold and delay features. You should know that, even with the current lack of those features, there's ways to address those shortcomings through creative programming. How you approach this is dependent on how the system(s) you're interested in are designed, numbers of sites, number of agencies, and so forth. While the system I monitor here in Albany County NY is not terribly large (five towns and the County Sheriff), I've devised a programming scheme that allows me to drill down to a specific public service agency, to the exclusion of all others. While that doesn't qualify as a hold or lockout, it would enable me to monitor a major fire or police incident in a specific locale in the county with little or no interruption.

But even with the improved firmware in beta, the G-Series won't have the wide frequency coverage you'll find in most scanners. There's no VHF-Low, no Airband, no coverage of your local FM band and, at best, you'll only have two frequency ranges of coverage depending on the model. That said, if you're primarily looking for the best 800MHz P25 coverage, including Simulcast, in a package built like a tank, there is no other.
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