edweirdFL said:
Does you local county govt and/or SO have a web site? Mine posts their 10 codes on theirs.
My feeling on that is that if a county chooses to do so, then more power to them. Personally, I'd be hesistant to make such a request officially since some county SOs or local PDs (not just talking about Florida, but nationally) are a little sensitive about providing 10-code information to the public for "security" reasons. Frustrating, yes, but understandable.
That said, and this may be a long shot, you could always try a "freedom of information" request for that information. Depending on the county - or for that matter, the state - you live in, there's no guarantee that you get the information, again due to security reasons.
When I first started monitoring my local PD (which uses 10-codes, unlike the rest of the county), it took me a couple of weeks before I figured out some of the more commonly used codes used by that department. (Later on, though, I did come across a list somewhere on the net in another forum and shared that information here and with other sources as well. I've also confirmed a couple of codes with an inside contact as well.)