gilchrist county codes

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Nov 13, 2006
I'm trying to find out how to get a list of what all the codes mean with the gilchrist county in trenton florida, sheriff dept. on the scanners


Apr 20, 2005
California, PA
Only thing I could suggest is that you track down some of the other Florida county 10-codes/signal lists on the web and compare a lot of them. You should be able to notice that a lot of the 10-codes (10-50 = traffic stop in most counties) and some of the lower number signal codes (ie. Signal 7 = DOA) are common across the state. Most counties do have variations, but if you compare enough county lists, you will get the idea of where I'm coming from (disclaimer: the above post is based solely on watching numerous episodes of "Cops" - just giving you this tip as sort of a starting point).


Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
If the county has a web site, and most do, and if you can find a link/email for the Sheriff's dept, just email and ask. I have had pretty good luck getting a positive response just for asking.

I think most of these folks realize the info you want is "out there", not particularly sensitive, and sooner or later you'll find what you need anyway, so they really have no reason not to respond to you. Its good PR on their part.


Feb 2, 2005
Gainesville, FL
10-1 Receiving Poorly
10-2 Receiving Well
10-3 Radio Check
10-4 Acknowledgement
10-5 Relay to
10-6 Busy
10-7 Out of Service
10-8 In Service
10-9 Repeat
10-10 Out of Service, Subj to Call
10-11 Speaking too Fast
10-12 Official/Visitors Present
10-13 Weather/Road Conditions
10-14 Unit Check Every _____ Minutes
10-15 Prisoner in Custody
10-16 Transporting Prisoner
10-17 Continuing Investigation at _____
10-18 Urgent
10-19 Return to Station
10-20 Location
10-21 Phone Station
10-22 Disregard
10-23 Standby
10-24 Emergency Backup
10-25 Contact
10-26 Message Received
10-27 Drivers License Check
10-28 Registration Check
10-29 Wants or Warrants
10-29P Wanted Person Check
10-30 Against Rules/Regulations
10-31 In Pursuit
10-32 Breathalyzer Operator
10-33 Emergency Traffic
10-35 Confidential Information
10-36 Time
10-37 Operator On Duty
10-38 Routine Backup
10-39 Message Delivered
10-41 In Possession of _____
10-42 At Home
10-43 Information
10-44 Paperwork
10-45 Phone
10-48 End of Msg, Did You Receive?
10-49 Serving Papers
10-50 Traffic Stop
10-51 Enroute
10-52 ETA
10-54 Negative
10-55 Assign/Request Channel
10-56 Meet
10-57 Teletype Channel
10-63 Meal Break
10-64 Personal Break
10-65 Copy Call/Information
10-66 Cancel
10-68 Request Evidence Tech.
10-69 Request Crime Scene
10-70 through 10-79 AGENCY ASSIGNED (not standardized)
10-85 Shift Change
10-86 Starting Duty
10-87 Ending Duty
10-88 Advise Phone Number
10-89 Available On Pager
10-90 At Police Academy
10-91 At ACDC
10-92 At Court/Deposition
10-93 In Shift Briefing
10-94 In Training
10-95 Vehicle Maintenance
10-96 At Station
10-97 Arrived At Scene
10-98 Assignment Complete
10-99 NCIC/FCIC/Local Hit
10-99A Hit-Article
10-99F Felony Hit-Person
10-99M Misdemeanor Hit-Person
10-100 Alert-Remain In Contact


0 Armed Subject
1 Impaired/Reckless Driver
2 Intoxicated Subject
3 Hit and Run Crash
3PI Hit and Run Crash/Injuries
4 Motor Vehicle Crash
4PI Motor Vehicle Crash/Injuries
5 Homicide
6 Escaped Prisoner
7 Death Investigation
8 Missing Person
8C Missing Child
9 Lost/Stolen Tag
10 Stolen Vehicle
11 Abandoned Vehicle
12 Traffic Problem
12P Parking Problem
13 Suspicious Activity/Conditions
13H Incomplete 911 Call
13P Suspicious Person
13U Unsecured Condition
13V Suspicious Vehicle
14 Information
15 Special Detail
16 Miscellaneous/Unclassified
17 Follow-up Investigation
18 Beverage Violation
19 Narcotics Violation
20 Mentally Impaired Person
21 Burglary
21B Burglary-Business
21C Burglary-Conveyance
21R Burglary-Residence
22 Disturbance
22C Disturbance-Civil
22F Physical Fight
22T Trespass
22V Disturbance-Verbal
23 Riot/Civil Disturbance
24 Robbery
24A Robbery-Armed
24S Robbery-Strong Armed
25 Fire
25A Arson
26 Drowning
27 Prowler
28 Sex Offense
29 Assault/Battery
29X Sexual Battery
30 Officer Needs Help/Emergency
31 Medical Emergency
32 Theft
32S Shoplifter In Custody
33 Alarm
33A Audible
33B Burglar
33F Fire
33L Lifeline
33P Panic
33R Robbery
34 Bomb Threat
34D Explosive Device Found
35 Person Shot
36 Person Stabbed
37 Suicide
37A Suicide Threat/Attempt
38 Hostage/Abduction
39 Marine Incident
40 Aircraft Incident (specify Alert I, II, or III)
Alert I : plane experiencing minor difficulty
Alert II : plane experiencing major difficulty
Alert III: plane has crashed or, there is a fire on board an
airborne aircraft
41 Recovered Property
42 Criminal Mischief
43 Property Call
43D Damaged Property
43F Found Property
43L Lost Property
44 Juvenile Problem
45 Shots Heard
46 Trash Dumping
47 Harassing/Threatening Phone Calls
47 Death Threats
48 Wanted Person
49 Serving Warrant
50 Assistance Call
50A Assist Other Agency
50C Assist Citizen
50D Assist Disabled Vehicle
51 Noise Complaint
52 Increased Patrol
53 Animal Problem
55 Vice Violation
56 Forgery/Counterfeiting
60 Hazmat Incident
61 Hazardous Conditions


Apr 20, 2005
California, PA
edweirdFL said:
Does you local county govt and/or SO have a web site? Mine posts their 10 codes on theirs.

My feeling on that is that if a county chooses to do so, then more power to them. Personally, I'd be hesistant to make such a request officially since some county SOs or local PDs (not just talking about Florida, but nationally) are a little sensitive about providing 10-code information to the public for "security" reasons. Frustrating, yes, but understandable.

That said, and this may be a long shot, you could always try a "freedom of information" request for that information. Depending on the county - or for that matter, the state - you live in, there's no guarantee that you get the information, again due to security reasons.

When I first started monitoring my local PD (which uses 10-codes, unlike the rest of the county), it took me a couple of weeks before I figured out some of the more commonly used codes used by that department. (Later on, though, I did come across a list somewhere on the net in another forum and shared that information here and with other sources as well. I've also confirmed a couple of codes with an inside contact as well.)


Feb 2, 2005
Gainesville, FL
ctrabs74 said:
whooey -

Just to clarify your post, which county would this be for (I'm guessing Alachua Co/Gainesville)?
I believe these are just the standard APCO codes. That explains the 70-79....
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