So I’m new to GMRS just got my license but have had radios and scanners for a long time. My question involves the bandwidth of the channels when programming them into the radio. I am using a Motorola XTS 5000 and usually set my channel bandwidth to 12.5(narrow band) but on MyGMRS it says the repeater bandwidths for GMRS is 20.0 so my question is which is correct and how should it be programmed. I’m having a real hard time hitting my local repeater in the next town over could this be the problem? Also have an XTVA and still can’t hit it often even while Mobil (and yes I understand it’s only 5 watts on high power) but I have no problem hitting a fire repeater some 20 miles away with the portable. Just wanted to see if the problem was my programming or maybe the location of the repeater is bad?