A word of caution - not every PRO-96 works well in the UHF band when opened up with Win96. This has been well documented elsewhere - including Larry Van Horn's MT review. If you get one that works well count yourself fortunate. The problem is that this scanner was never designed to work in that band in the first place.
Fortunately there are many newer RS scanners out there that cover this band well. There are a couple of hooks to keep in mind, though - one important one is that there are several newer 380 mhz trunk systems being installed, and some of these are P25 digital. The newer digital trunktrackers can handle these - however, many of the RS scanners are analog-only, which limits their usefulness somewhat if your area has one of these.
Personally I'd get an Uniden or GRE. The Unidens, to me, have an edge because software for them, for logging and recording, is mature enough that there are a lot of options available. Not quite so with the GRE models, although I expect that will eventually change.
Keep in mind that RS models cannot log frequencies, record and so on - something I know a fair number of milcom folks do in order to keep track of what's going on while they're away (work, running errands, ect.). It's a firmware issue.
Oh and by the way, check that spelling, rafale - it's 'duct tape', not the tape for waterfowl :.>> I chuckled when I read that though - funny...
73s Mike