Thought I posted this. I guess it didn't make it.
I hear a lot about what is the best antenna.
I say the best antenna is the one which is most closely tuned to the frequency you want to monitor.
Telescopic antennas are best for tuning.
Here are a few of my antennas that I use on my Hand held scanners.
I like longer antennas. My longest is a smiley telescopic airband antenna which is close to 6 foot long.
I am able to tune shortwave stations with this antenna and an AOR-8000.
Generally in Los Angeles I use a bunch of different antennas. One is the SRH77CA. One is a Maldol telescopic.
One is a Home brew that works great for VHF one is a an antenna cut for the center of the LAPD channels right around 500 MHz.
I am a firm believer of home made antennas. They can perform just as well as commercial store bought antennas. Some times better if you tune it to specifically to your monitoring needs.
I have have had as many bad experiences with antennas in the ham shop as good ones.
The radio shack 800Mhz antennas is a keeper as is the RS telescopic.
My basic belief here is more is better. You can never have enough antennas. Make them, buy them borrow them. Just keep the ones that work.
I hear a lot about what is the best antenna.
I say the best antenna is the one which is most closely tuned to the frequency you want to monitor.
Telescopic antennas are best for tuning.
Here are a few of my antennas that I use on my Hand held scanners.

I like longer antennas. My longest is a smiley telescopic airband antenna which is close to 6 foot long.
I am able to tune shortwave stations with this antenna and an AOR-8000.
Generally in Los Angeles I use a bunch of different antennas. One is the SRH77CA. One is a Maldol telescopic.
One is a Home brew that works great for VHF one is a an antenna cut for the center of the LAPD channels right around 500 MHz.
I am a firm believer of home made antennas. They can perform just as well as commercial store bought antennas. Some times better if you tune it to specifically to your monitoring needs.
I have have had as many bad experiences with antennas in the ham shop as good ones.
The radio shack 800Mhz antennas is a keeper as is the RS telescopic.
My basic belief here is more is better. You can never have enough antennas. Make them, buy them borrow them. Just keep the ones that work.