I’m an owner of BCD536HP and I’m banging my head and pulling my hair out. I finally think I got how in the Sentiel software how to add a trunking system or site to a quick key favorite. Now I have add all the depts that go with this system like Fire and EMS and Municipal and colleges. So when I put system of City of Allentown in quick keys F0: 0 and then I mark under It to be 0 and then EMS 1 and etc and the same thing for City of Bethlehem F0:1 and do the same thing for all the systems. So when I tell it to write to scanner it puts the system in the F0:0 but the Fire is not in SO:0 it is just out there and when it stops on a another thing it’s not in the key that labeled it. Also having the same problem with conventional frequencies can someone give me a step by step and screenshots or videos on how to do it with the software how to get this to work. Please and thank you
I’m an owner of BCD536HP and I’m banging my head and pulling my hair out. I finally think I got how in the Sentiel software how to add a trunking system or site to a quick key favorite. Now I have add all the depts that go with this system like Fire and EMS and Municipal and colleges. So when I put system of City of Allentown in quick keys F0: 0 and then I mark under It to be 0 and then EMS 1 and etc and the same thing for City of Bethlehem F0:1 and do the same thing for all the systems. So when I tell it to write to scanner it puts the system in the F0:0 but the Fire is not in SO:0 it is just out there and when it stops on a another thing it’s not in the key that labeled it. Also having the same problem with conventional frequencies can someone give me a step by step and screenshots or videos on how to do it with the software how to get this to work. Please and thank you