I was to tweak pot TC302 to get my radio to work from 442.125 - 467.600. With that being said, how does this effect my transmit power and sensitivity?
Here are my voltages on the CV test point:
442.125 - 7.98v
446.000 - 6.98v
462.300 - 2.93v
467.600 - 7.98v
446.000 - 6.97v
447.125 - 7.09v
467.600 - 4.67v
I was using this radio as a base setup and doing base to base and repeater work. I want this in tip top shape going into a mobile environment if possible. Do I need to make any adjustments to TC303 or TC301 to get more uniform power output and sensitivity?
Here are my voltages on the CV test point:
442.125 - 7.98v
446.000 - 6.98v
462.300 - 2.93v
467.600 - 7.98v
446.000 - 6.97v
447.125 - 7.09v
467.600 - 4.67v
I was using this radio as a base setup and doing base to base and repeater work. I want this in tip top shape going into a mobile environment if possible. Do I need to make any adjustments to TC303 or TC301 to get more uniform power output and sensitivity?