Central dispatch more efficient
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Days or weeks to replace antennas? No, if you do as the military does you can have them up in minutes. It's called being prepared! And in reality building properly to withstand an F5 doesn't have cost near as much as your thinking, and in fact one method is not only cheaper to build but to heat and cool as well....underground. And it doesn't need to be completely underground, but the more the better. Of course in flood zones that won't work but pretty much every county has an area it could be done.
One of the dumbest moves is having all these comm centers built right along with the county jail, as Muncie/Delaware county found out that can be a nightmare, again, poorly thought out descision making.
as a member of public safety in grant county, i agree that this central dispatch is badly needed. on the fire side, i hate having to go thru sheriff dispatch to find out how far out the EMS units are for a bad wreck. or from the ems side having to ask if fire has been dispatched to an accident that we are en route to. interop is not the greatest at this point in the county since LEOs are using 800mhz, EMS runs mix of 800 and VHF, and fire runs VHF w/ 800 capabilities if needed. i honestly feel that a central dispatch will significantly cut down on confusion between the agencies responding to incidents. as far as the cost, it's gonna save $8 million in the long run, what the heck are you all waiting for?
I dont think its a dumb idea to have them in the same location as the jail facilities. What Delaware/Muncie screwed up was its DIRECTLY UNDER all of the inmates. And they share the same air systems as the inmates. THAT my friend, is a very dumb idea.
However if you plan the facility right, you could be just fine having it at the jail complex. I.e: different air handlers for inmates vs admin building, NOT under the inmates so if they flood the cell block it doesnt flood dispatch, etc. If done properly, having it at the same complex is no problem.